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Create a multi-step dialog using the codex dialog component
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


As a user reporting harassment, I will experience two dialog pages - one that will present me with information and one that will collect information from me.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Setup two basic Vue components, one for information and one for data collection (for this ticket, it is sufficient for them to have a <p> tag that says "This is the information component" and "This is the data collection component"
  • On first load, the information vue component should be loaded
  • Add a codex button to the information component that toggles loading the data collection component
  • Add a custom footer component using the dialog slot (example). This will allow us to conditionally render different footer buttons depending on which page we are on.

Event Timeline

Assuming this task is about the Incident-Reporting-System code project, hence adding that project tag so other people who don't know or don't care about team tags can also find this task when searching per codebase. Please set appropriate project tags when possible. Thanks! :)

MShilova_WMF set the point value for this task to 3.Jun 21 2023, 2:14 PM

Change 936030 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jkieserman; author: Jkieserman):

[mediawiki/extensions/ReportIncident@master] Set up a codex dialog that toggles between two screens

Change 936030 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ReportIncident@master] Set up a codex dialog that toggles between two screens

Change 940360 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jkieserman; author: Jkieserman):

[mediawiki/extensions/ReportIncident@master] three QA fixes to the dialog component: 1. Add the apostrophe to 'don't' in 'I don't want to file a report' message 2. in mobile, add spacing between buttons 3. in mobile, make the width of buttons equal

Change 940360 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ReportIncident@master] three QA fixes to the dialog component: 1. Add the apostrophe to 'don't' in 'I don't want to file a report' message 2. in mobile, add spacing between buttons 3. in mobile, make the width of buttons equal

Djackson-ctr subscribed.

QA verification has been executed per the Acceptance Criteria that's listed in the ticket Description.

Madalina subscribed.

Looks like this is done, marking it as resolved.