When I click the "Proceed button" on the dialog, I should be taken to a new page where I can file a report to submit.
Acceptance criteria:
- All of the form elements as shown in the mocks exist, i.e.
- There is a codex checkbox group that allows me to select multiple types of harassment as specified in the mocks
- There is codex lookup field for the name of the harasser T347171: Username input field should allow auto-completion of usernames
- There is a codex text input for links to evidence of harassment
- This a codex text area component for additional comments
- The corresponding footer should be displayed with this component (see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T338803)
Link to desktop mocks: https://www.figma.com/file/a1qk95sTQyVFDACoQfBsne/MTP?type=design&node-id=12-12876&t=qMCGLQvw3jdaSj4Q-0
Link to mobile mocks: https://www.figma.com/file/a1qk95sTQyVFDACoQfBsne/MTP?type=design&node-id=185-23647&t=qMCGLQvw3jdaSj4Q-0