The PageTriage /modules/ folder (containing all the JavaScript / front end files) currently looks like this
It is not possible to differentiate which folders contain modern files (Vue re-write), and which folders contain old files that we want to replace (Backbone, Underscore, jQuery), without further investigation. I propose we put the Vue files in their own parent folder named "vue" or "rewrite" or something, or add the word "vue" or "rewrite" or something to existing folders. Should be able to differentiate at a glance.
- rename folders related to Vue in /modules/ to include "vue" or "rewrite" or something
- new pages feed (gerrit:966276)
- curation toolbar already in a vue folder
- make corresponding renames to Jest tests that touch affected files
- new pages feed (gerrit:966276)
- curation toolbar already in a vue folder
Additionally, names like "list" are not very descriptive. I suggest we change that to newPagesFeed, to correspond with Special:NewPagesFeed.
- rename folders related to Special:NewPagesFeed (currently named "list") to something like newPagesFeed
- backbone version: (gerrit:966282)
- vue version (gerrit:966276)
- make corresponding renames to Jest tests that touch affected files
- backbone version: (gerrit:966282)
- vue version (gerrit:966276)
I added a section detailing this folder structure to MediaWiki, see But it's not ideal that I need to write this documentation. With better names, documentation would likely not be needed.
- rename ext.pageTriage.views.toolbar to ext.pageTriage.toolbar (and corresponding tests) (gerrit:993207)
- update documentation at