Tool Name: plagiabot
Quota increase requested: +2 CPUs
plagiabot is the staging environment for the copypatrol tool. Currently, the copypatrol tool only has the webservice frontend with the backend being run from the eranbot tool using a number of cron jobs on the grid. I rewrote the backend (T293688), which is deployed to the plagiabot tool now and will be deployed to the copypatrol tool (T333724: Deploy new CopyPatrol bot and update frontend).
The tool regularly runs a web service, two continuous jobs, and a cron job. This allocates at least 1750m of the default 2 CPU limit when all four are active.
I would like to allocate more (at least double) CPU to one of the continuous jobs that runs up against the default job limit of 500m and have room to use webservice [...] shell if needed.