It seams that root urls and action paths can have a bit of a conflict:
Under this setup:
$wgArticlePath = "/$1";
$wgActionPaths['edit'] = "/edit/$1";
Our code inside WebRequest.php parses the article path first, as a result the edit url /edit/Foo is interpreted as the article [[Edit/Foo]].
We may want to re-order the way we parse paths inside WebRequest.
Or perhaps we should replace the way we parse WebRequest sequentially with a system that will give more specific paths dominance.
ie: If we have /* and /edit/* then /edit/* will win out over /* because it's more dominant. An unlikely circumstance like $wgActionPath = "/wiki/*" and $wgArticlePath['render'] = "/*"; would work if we went based on specificity instead of sequential parsing order.
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