Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
When searching for templates in TemplateWizard or VisualEditor there's lots of empty space below the search form. CommTech will shortly be working on a task to display favourite templates in this space (see T377190: [STORY] Favourite templates displayed under search box).
This ticket is to display multiple tabs in this space - favourites in the default tab, and a list of "recently used" templates in another tab. "Recently used" means recently inserted by the current user using the new widget described in T377313: New widget for searching templates.
Use case(s) (list the steps that you performed to discover that problem, and describe the actual underlying problem which you want to solve. Do not describe only a solution):
People often use the same template again and again while editing (e.g. text formatting, licence tags, or citations) and to get to these they have to start typing the template name every time. Often the template name is not obvious, and people have to go to a separate help page or category to look up the one they want.
Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
It will make it easier and quicker to use templates.
Other information:
This task is related to the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey, wish #11: Quickly add favorite and related templates
- Related design task: T362261: Design exploration for favoriting templates
- Task for adding favourites: T377190: [STORY] Favourite templates displayed under search box