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Requesting GitLab account activation for HakanIST
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


GitLab account activation

To activate your account, please sign into GitLab and then answer the following questions:

  • Developer account / GitLab username: HakanIST
  • Reason for access - what projects are you planning to host or contribute to: stewards group membership

GitLab Admin checklist

This section is to be completed by a GitLab administrator.

  • - User has provided the following: developer account username and reasoning for access
  • - User has an existing developer account, and has used it to log in to GitLab

If any of the following criteria are met, user should be approved immediately:

  • - User is known to the admin
  • - User is vouched for by a known contributor
  • - User has a history of contributions on Gerrit, Phabricator, on-wiki, etc.
  • - User is a member of a movement organization

Event Timeline

By filling this task, I confirm belongs to @HakanIST, a Wikimedia Steward. Thanks!

brennen claimed this task.
brennen updated the task description. (Show Details)