- the issue is present only on mobile (cswiki wmf.29 was tested)
- the Console errors are more frequently present for suggested articles that have Math formulas/symbols; sometime the error 503 is present, e.g. for the following suggested articler -this request will display 503 error:
Steps to reproduce:
- on mobile cswiki wmf.29 Homepage, select "Add an image to an article section" task
- click on any of the suggested articles
- when the guided tour is loaded (, the Console will display several errors:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') at RecommendedSectionImageToolbarDialog.updateCta ( at RecommendedSectionImageToolbarDialog.afterSetupProcess
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'context') at eval (eval at indirectEval at (eval at indirectEval at (eval at indirectEval at (eval at indirectEval at StructuredTaskArticleTarget.surfaceReady at eval (eval at indirectEval
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getModel')