Currently, the total number of publish events is higher than the number of attempts started for both edits of existing implementation and edits of existing tests. The difference is especially high for edit existing test events.
This seems unexpected if every attempt can only have one associated publish event and not what we found for any of the creation workflow events or function edit events.
See queries and totals below. This has been copied from T348285.
Edits to an existing test
- 145 test-edit attempts started
- 260 test-edits attempts ending in publish
-- number of test-edit attempts started SELECT name, COUNT(1) AS n_events FROM event.wikifunctions_ui WHERE name = 'wf.ui.defaultView.load' AND element_at(custom_data, 'edit').value = 'true' AND element_at(custom_data, 'zobjecttype').value = 'Z20' AND element_at(custom_data, 'isnewzobject').value = 'false' AND Year >= 2023 GROUP BY name
-- number of test-edit attempts published SELECT name, COUNT(1) AS n_events FROM event.wikifunctions_ui WHERE name = 'wf.ui.editTester.publish' AND element_at(custom_data, 'isnewzobject').value = 'false' AND Year >= 2023 GROUP BY name
Edits to an existing implementation
- 421 implementation edit attempts started
- 436 implementation edits attempts published
-- number of implementation edit attempts started SELECT name, COUNT(1) AS n_events FROM event.wikifunctions_ui WHERE name = 'wf.ui.defaultView.load' AND element_at(custom_data, 'edit').value = 'true' AND element_at(custom_data, 'zobjecttype').value = 'Z14' AND element_at(custom_data, 'isnewzobject').value = 'false' AND Year >= 2023 GROUP BY name
-- number of implementation edit attempts published SELECT name, COUNT(1) AS n_events FROM event.wikifunctions_ui WHERE name = 'wf.ui.editImplementation.publish' AND element_at(custom_data, 'isnewzobject').value = 'false' AND Year >= 2023 GROUP BY name