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Add linting of research landing-page to gitlab CI
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For the gerrit repo of the research landing-page, there was a linting step as part of the CI. Info:

When migrating from gerrit to gitlab, the blubber config and the linting files were included, but no job was added to the .gitlab-ci.yml file.


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
run existing lint job in gitlab-cirepos/sre/miscweb/research-landing-page!9jeltoadd-test-job-cimaster
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

fkaelin moved this task from Backlog to Support Needed on the Research board.
LSobanski moved this task from Incoming to Backlog on the collaboration-services board.

I think I managed to run the tests which where configured in the old Gerrit repo for jenkins:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target npm-run -f .pipeline/blubber.yaml .
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash sha256:<hash>
somebody@a8392283616e:/srv/app$ cd html
somebody@a8392283616e:/srv/app/html$ npm install
somebody@a8392283616e:/srv/app/html$ npm test

> wikimedia-research-landing-page@0.1.0 test /srv/app/html
> grunt && npm run eslint

Running "stylelint:src" (stylelint) task
>> Linted 1 files without errors

Running "postcss:dist" (postcss) task
>> 1 processed stylesheet created.

Running "cssmin:target" (cssmin) task
>> 1 file created. 34.44 kB → 16.96 kB


> wikimedia-research-landing-page@0.1.0 eslint /srv/app/html
> eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js ./js/

Does the output look somehow familiar with the old CI config @fkaelin ? Unfortunately the logs for the old CI jobs are no longer available in Jenkins.

I'll try to put that into the .gitlab-ci.yml.

@Jelto Unfortunately I also don't know either how these logs looked, and I am not familiar with npm/js. Looking at the pipeline output, it says only 1 file was tested. But eslint is for javascript, and there is only a single js file in this project. From my perspective this is a good start, we can refine this as needed in the future.

@DDeSouza - do you have any more insight on this?

@dduvall or @dancy could you take a look at the MR? How can tests like npm test executed properly with .kokkuri:build-and-run-image?

I don't have familiarity with the repo before the migration but it looks like the test actions are working as expected. Current practices are a bit different but upgrading wouldn't be trivial.

There is a test job for the research-landing-page now:

#18 npm test
#18 0.359 
#18 0.359 > wikimedia-research-landing-page@0.1.0 test /srv/app
#18 0.359 > npm run lint:grunt && npm run lint:js
#18 0.359 
#18 0.601 
#18 0.601 > wikimedia-research-landing-page@0.1.0 lint:grunt /srv/app
#18 0.601 > grunt --gruntfile html/Gruntfile.js
#18 0.601 
#18 1.317 Running "stylelint:src" (stylelint) task
#18 1.811 >> Linted 1 files without errors
#18 1.814 
#18 1.814 Running "postcss:dist" (postcss) task
#18 1.934 >> 1 processed stylesheet created.
#18 1.935 
#18 1.935 Running "cssmin:target" (cssmin) task
#18 2.042 >> 1 file created. 34.44 kB → 16.96 kB
#18 2.042 
#18 2.042 Done.
#18 2.302 
#18 2.302 > wikimedia-research-landing-page@0.1.0 lint:js /srv/app
#18 2.302 > eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js html/js
#18 2.302 
#18 DONE 2.9s

The job should contain the same commands as the old jenkins job. @DDeSouza also adeded a grunt command. My understanding and knowledge for testing static web apps is a bit limited here. So I guess that makes sense and I resolve the task optimistically. But feel free to reopen if something is missing.