The ReferenceTooltips and NavigationPopups gadgets add a similar behavior to wikis like Page-Previews and Reference Previews do. That's why the code detects if on of these is enabled by the user and the disable the according feature in the extension. To do that the extension needs to know the local name of the gadget. This list is maintained in the production settings files in wgPopupsConflictingRefTooltipsGadgetName and wgPopupsConflictingNavPopupsGadgetName
We also would like to know which projects have the ReferenceTooltips gadget enabled by default to eventually reach out when the Reference Previews feature is deployed.
Acceptance criteria:
- Check the current list of local gadget names configured and update it for new/missing names [1] [2] [3]
- Leave out wikis that don't have the Page-Previews extension enabled
- Check projects for both gadgets and where they are enabled as a default
[1]®ex=1&ignorecase=1&namespaces=8&title=Gadget-.*%5C.js *
[2]®ex=1&ignorecase=1&namespaces=8&title=Gadget-.*%5C.js *
*) This search does not include results where the gadget scripts include the code from a different source.
Code to review:
- The NavigationPopups gadget is not a default anywhere.
- The list of wikis that have ReferenceTooltips as a default can be found in our gitlab repo default_conflicts.csv