Our data about which campaigns and emails prompt which donations is getting less accurate as browsers and privacy extensions strip off URL parameters that are used by third-party tracking libraries, such as utm_campaign, fbclid, etc.
Lucky for us, we don't use any third-party tracking libraries, so we can just use different parameters on the URLs.
I propose just replacing 'utm' with 'wmf' in each parameter's name, so: wmf_campaign, wmf_source, wmf_key, wmf_medium.
We would continue to accept the old utm_ parameters at DonationInterface for a long transition period, and probably keep utm_ in the internal names to minimize schema changes and code changes.
- Scope work
- Edit Thank You page js to cope with either type of parameter
- Update survey to take wmf_ parameters
- Update DonationInterface to pass wmf_ parameters to Thank You page - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface/+/1015351
- Make some test donations with wmf_ parameters
- Ensure that endowment switch works with wmf_
- Update banner code to pass wmf_ parameters
- Update donatewiki to pass wmf_ parameters
- Update wikimediafoundation.org links
- Document and share to use wmf_ parameters for future links