As a Wikidata Query Service user I want to have a simple way to copy the short URL in order to have a smoother user experience.
Currently, on the Wikidata Query Service to copy a short URL to a query or to a query result you must:
- Click the link button
- Wait for the link to load
- Stay hovered over the link button
- Highlight the link
- Copy the link
As you have to manually select the text of the URL, which isn't clickable, you also can't use the browser's built-in "Copy link" feature either.
An immediate copy of the link when clicking the link, and notifying the user that the link is copied.
GIVEN a user has created a query
AND wants to share a shorter version of the URL to it
WHEN they click the short URL trigger button
THEN the short URL is immediately copied
AND the user receives a heads-up from the system indicating that the URL has been copied, together with the content of said URL
Acceptance criteria:
- There is a one-click option to copy a short URL on the Wikidata Query Service