Split from T352477 (as a follow-up based on this comment T352477#9379215 - the numbering refers to the original ticket).
(1) (from @Sneha's comment in Slack:
all the questions in both own and not own work, show colon at the end of it instead of period. But that is minor and not a blocker.
(2) @Sneha's comment
#2 It should match mocks. We should be using the word "work" unless things are referred in plural. The wireframes are updated to reflect that. There are several spots (total 3) in question #1 in someone else's work where we need to change from using "media" to "work"
mockup | beta |
(3) #1 question "(You may find this information on the page where you found the work.)" the dot in parentheses is missing in beta, but present in the mockup
@Sneha's comment
#3 Yes the period should be there. But also the text needs to be updated from "the media" to "this work"
mockup | beta |