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Input field of Fancycaptcha is missing its styling
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:
The input field of the captcha is tiny and seems to be missing its styling

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 16.39.11.png (1×1 px, 387 KB)

What should have happened instead?:
Should look like (ignore the arrows, this was just a handy older screenshot I could find):

Screenshot from 2023-02-06 06-45-29.png (1×1 px, 140 KB)

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Tested on MacOS Safari and macOS Chrome

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Event Timeline

The input field still uses mw-ui-input, but the form was switched to the codex tokens

Change 993238 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Amir Sarabadani):

[mediawiki/extensions/ConfirmEdit@master] FancyCaptcha: Switch to codex text input

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 01.00.57.png (672×692 px, 131 KB)

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 00.29.31.png (874×1 px, 210 KB)

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 00.59.32.png (544×1 px, 129 KB)

The login panel was looking good with that change, but the editform needed some additional margin, which I added.

The refresh really needs some work as well at some point. The element jumps around depending on the width of captcha and sometimes overlaps. But that's not related to this issue.

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 01.00.57.png (672×692 px, 131 KB)

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 00.29.31.png (874×1 px, 210 KB)

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 00.59.32.png (544×1 px, 129 KB)

The login panel was looking good with that change, but the editform needed some additional margin, which I added.

You mean amending the patch? I haven't seen it. Feel free to amend and merge.

Change 993238 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ConfirmEdit@master] FancyCaptcha: Switch to codex text input

TheDJ claimed this task.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 14-38-24 「jipul」を編集中 - ウィクショナリー日本語版.png (118×117 px, 2 KB)

image.png (363×468 px, 56 KB)

A triangular warning icon is added to message boxes in anonymous editing with captcha, as in (when logged out - at least in my environment, captcha is apparently unconditionally shown to logged out users, not just when trying to add an external link). Is that a result of this new styling, intended or unintended?

Here are modules loaded, according to the HTML source:

    "user.options": "loading",
    "ext.wikiEditor.styles": "ready",
    "mediawiki.action.edit.styles": "ready",
    "mediawiki.editfont.styles": "ready",
    "mediawiki.interface.helpers.styles": "ready",
    "oojs-ui-core.styles": "ready",
    "oojs-ui.styles.indicators": "ready",
    "mediawiki.widgets.styles": "ready",
    "oojs-ui-core.icons": "ready",
    "codex-styles": "ready",
    "ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.styles": "ready",
    "skins.vector.styles.legacy": "ready",
    "ext.charinsert.styles": "ready",
    "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.noscript": "ready",
    "codex-search-styles": "ready",
    "ext.uls.interlanguage": "ready",
    "ext.wikimediaBadges": "ready"

This change already went out early feb, so i would be surprised if a bug like that went unnoticed for that long. Please open a separate/new ticket with details and label as Regression!

BTW. your screenshot didn't get attached properly because there is no whitespace around it, and thus no one will be able to access it until you edit your comment.

Thanks, I edited the comment so the image should be visible now.

Ah, no that definitely doesn't have anything to do with this.

It's just the default styling of the warning message when you are not logged in. It seems however that that warning doesn't declare that it is using the codex-icons and on ja.wikt, by chance that styling is included by something else.... That should definitely be a separate ticket and be fixed.