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Special:Mute does not allow usage when a wiki has wgEmailAuthentication set to false
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


SpecialMute::getFormFields checks for whether a user has an email address attached to their account. However, this check calls User::getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp which is only applicable if the wiki has email authentication enabled.

Steps to replicate the issue
  1. Set-up a wiki with $wgEmailAuthentication = false;
  2. Add an email to your account
  3. Load Special:Mute

What happens?:
The following error is displayed:

image.png (282×1 px, 24 KB)

What should have happened instead?:
The check should ignore the lack of email confirmation timestamp as $wgEmailAuthentication is set to false, and the Special:Mute page should be displayed

Software version

MediaWiki 1.42.0-alpha (852bb4f) 05:58, 5 February 2024

Event Timeline

Change 997400 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dreamy Jazz; author: Dreamy Jazz):

[mediawiki/core@master] Use User::isEmailConfirmed for SpecialMute email confirmation check

Change 997400 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Use User::isEmailConfirmed for SpecialMute email confirmation check

Thanks for the quick merge.