- We'd like to add a note for users opting into the first version of night mode telling them that they might experience issues and that that's expected
User story
- As a night mode user, I want the ability to know why I am seeing issues
- The "Color" section of the Minerva skin settings should have the following explanation: "[Experimental version, high likelihood of experiencing issues] Reduces the light emitted by device screens."
Feature: Inform Users of Night Mode Experimental Status on Minerva Skin Scenario: Displaying Night Mode's experimental status notice under the Color section in Minerva Settings Given the user has selected the "Minerva" skin When the user opens "Settings" Then the user should see the "Color" section And under the "Color" section, the user should find a notice stating: """ [Experimental version, high likelihood of experiencing issues] Reduces the light emitted by device screens. """
Test Steps
- Select the "Minerva" skin on Wikipedia.
- Open "Settings".
- View the "Color" section.
- AC1: Ensure the notice "[Experimental version, high likelihood of experiencing issues] Reduces the light emitted by device screens." is displayed under the "Color" section.
- n/a
Acceptance criteria
- complete requirements
QA Results - Beta
AC | Status | Details |
1 | ✅ | T359571#9614200 |
QA Results - Prod
AC | Status | Details |
1 | ✅ | T359571#9663763 |