Per your email, I find that libjson-perl is missing from the bastion. One of my scripts for submitting jobs for my tool uses this to parse JSON to know what needs submitting.
Another one of my scripts needs libdbi-perl:amd64 for database access.
Another needs libwww-perl to hit an HTTP-based API.
I suspect there will turn out to be more missing, but it's hard to tell since it fatals on the first missing package. Here's the full list of perl packages my code uses that seem to now be missing:
- libbytes-random-secure-perl
- libcrypt-gcrypt-perl
- libdbi-perl:amd64
- libdigest-crc-perl
- libhtml-parser-perl
- libhttp-message-perl
- libjson-perl
- libnet-oauth-perl
- libpod-simple-wiki-perl
- libredis-perl
- liburi-perl
- libwww-perl
- libxml-libxml-perl
I don't know that I'd need _all_ of those on the bastion, but probably most of them.