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Gadgets stopped working on enwiki beta and commons beta
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As titled. Gadgets refuse to run, but there are *no* errors; they just don't run. Gadgets do seem to be loaded though, as CSS associated with gadgets is active.

Version: unspecified
Severity: critical



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 12:10 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz34195.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Seemingly not completely broken...

"Adds two new dropdown boxes below the edit summary box, with some useful default summaries." works, but Hotcat doesn't

OK, some work, some don't. Those that don't work simply don't have their JS components not loaded. Popups is broken on Commons, but EditTop works.

This is critical and must be investigated before 1.19 is branched *this week*. Assigning to Krinkle, as this might be related to some modifications done to ResourceLoader in the past week.

(In reply to comment #3)

This is critical and must be investigated before 1.19 is branched *this week*.
Assigning to Krinkle, as this might be related to some modifications done to
ResourceLoader in the past week.

It's not a blocker to branching, but certainly is to deployment

As for when it's actually going to be done... It'd be nice if we knew that

But I'm not getting eny errors (on enwiki beta). I do see 'addOnloadHook is not defined on Commons beta. Also of interest, with ?debug=true, enwiki gadgets do seem to work, but the navigation bar states are reversed (they show collapsed, but the arrows point down).

Hrm... on further investigation, I see what you're talking about. Interestingly, enabling the "Use a black background with green text on the Monobook skin" without the Vector skin -- which I've done repeatedly in the past -- does change *most* of the background to black with green text but leaves some oddities. The "Main page" link in the side bar isn't click-able, for example

AFTv5 was enable for enwiki.beta and was causing this.