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Bot applies archive when parameter already exists
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Affected wiki(s):
English Wiki

Diff(s) (if applicable):

What is happening?:
The bot adds an archive-url and archive-date parameter when archiveurl and archivedate already exist, causing a cite error

What should happen instead?:

If archiveurl or archivedate already exist, the bot should not run on those links

List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Run the bot on a page that has a reference with archiveurl and archivedate parameter, and not archive-url or archive-date
  • Check diffs

Other information:

Event Timeline

I'm also having this issue, but in my case the reference had archive-url and archive-date parameters and the bot added archiveurl and archivedate.

I'm also having this issue, but in my case the reference had archive-url and archive-date parameters and the bot added archiveurl and archivedate.

Sorry, I got the two mixed up. I am getting that as well

Same on bnwiki.
Here |আর্কাইভের-তারিখ= (archive-date), |আর্কাইভের-ইউআরএল= (archive-url), & |ইউআরএল-অবস্থা= (url-status) parameters already present but IABot added that again using english parameter name. And now article is showing big red error messages. Bot did this to almost 800 articles yesterday (14 April).

(Edit: I mass reverted those 800 edits)

Aftabuzzaman changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report".May 15 2024, 1:26 AM

Reporting similar behaviour here as well. Numerous citations had url-status, archivedate, archiveurl, and in some cases even accessdate be duplicated. I can't seem to spot a pattern in the additions. This behaviour had not existed 24 hours ago.

Update: Behavior appears to have been fixed. If anyone can confirm that would be great.

Yeah, this issue seems to be fixed now.

Cyberpower678 claimed this task.
Cyberpower678 triaged this task as High priority.