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Update fundraising mail settings to use new production mx hosts
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Need to update postfix relay host and iptables/pfw rulesets.

Old hosts:

New hosts:

Event Timeline

PFW and iptables changes pushed. Awaiting pfw rollout (T366753) before we can test.

@Dwisehaupt let me know if you want to do any canary tests, I'm happy to look at raw emails to assess whether they were successful.

jhathaway triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 10 2024, 2:05 PM

@jhathaway Thanks. I have shifted our codfw hosts to use the new mx-out hosts. That is the secondary datacenter. We'll let it run for a little just to verify and then switch the eqiad hosts over.

@jhathaway Thanks. I have shifted our codfw hosts to use the new mx-out hosts. That is the secondary datacenter. We'll let it run for a little just to verify and then switch the eqiad hosts over.

great, thanks for the update

Dwisehaupt moved this task from In Progress to Done on the fundraising-tech-ops board.

The changes have been pushed to eqiad hosts and log entries look good. Closing.