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Cloud VPS "wikidumpparse" project Buster deprecation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Upstream LTS support for Debian Buster ends on June 30, 2024, and soon after that we'll need to start deleting and removing those VMs.

Please either remove Buster VMs from your project or respond here with a proposed plan and timeline.

Buster VMs remaining after July 15th with no activity on their associated phab task will be shut down and/or deleted at the convenience of WMCS administrators.

Remaining Debian Buster instances (live report):

Listed administrators are:

See also:

More info on current project instances is available via openstack browser


Due Date
Jul 1 2024, 11:59 PM

Event Timeline

StrikerBot triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 14 2024, 2:46 PM
StrikerBot created this task.

Hello, sorry to be running quite late to this thread. (I just had the birth of my second child).

I intend to keep humaniki online. May I have an extension until August 14th?

Here is the plan.

One of the complications is that this project aims to keep around a lot of archival data. So we wanted 1TB of storage. The way horizon worked at the time (2019) was to setup a custom instance, rather than have an attached volume.

The Plan

  1. Could someone please unblock me, by granting capacity for 1120Gb a Cinder Volume? @Andrew? The current amount I see in the interface is 300 Gb, and the current production server (humaniki-prod) is 1120Gb.
  2. Then I can migrate the mysql database files to the Cinder volume.
  3. Then I will create a new Debian 11 VM, and attach the Cinder volume.
  4. Get humaniki-prod running on Debian 11.

Currently I am travelling, and without my bastion key, but I will begin the process on August 1st, and finish by August 14th.

I hope that is a good enough plan. @Aklapper ?


Congrats on the new kid! For the quota increase, please file a quota request here:

Oh, btw, it might be useful for you to subscribe to so that you get timely notifications of things like this :)

@notconfusing Congratulations on the new kid! Enjoy the travels. I opened a quota request here . Let me know if I can help with anything else if you get back!

@notconfusing can you confirm that you still plan to work on this?

@Andrew , confirmed. That is my plan this next week. To get this done.

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql and import data
  • copy crontab and ensure working.
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance
Maximilianklein raised the priority of this task from Medium to Unbreak Now!.Aug 11 2024, 1:26 PM
Maximilianklein added a project: Humaniki.

update for 2024-08-12

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql
  • reattach volume
  • import mysql data
  • copy virtual env
  • copy crontab and
  • verify running of ensure working.
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • verify web access and server
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance

update for 2024-08-13

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql
  • reattach volume
  • assert that volume is persistent after restart by copying of line at /etc/fstab
  • import mysql data
  • copy virtual env
  • copy crontab and
  • verify running of ensure working.
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • verify web access and server
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance
  • delete some old denelezh partitions to save on data

update for 2024-08-14

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql
  • reattach volume
  • assert that volume is persistent after restart by copying of line at /etc/fstab
  • import mysql data
  • copy virtual env
  • copy crontab and
  • verify running of ensure working, db processing
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • verify web access and server
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance
  • delete some old denelezh partitions to save on data

update for 2024-08-15

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql
  • reattach volume
  • assert that volume is persistent after restart by copying of line at /etc/fstab
  • make sure that gunicorn restarts after restart
  • import mysql data
  • copy virtual env
  • copy crontab and
  • verify running of ensure working, db processing
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • verify web access and server
  • verify humaniki-backend running well
  • verify cron runs by itself
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance
  • delete some old denelezh partitions to save on data
  • git commit bookworm specific changes back to github

update for 2024-08-19

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql
  • reattach volume
  • assert that volume is persistent after restart by copying of line at /etc/fstab
  • make sure that gunicorn restarts after restart
  • import mysql data
  • copy virtual env
  • copy crontab and
  • verify running of ensure working, db processing
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • verify web access and server
  • verify humaniki-backend running well
  • verify cron runs by itself
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance
  • delete some old denelezh partitions to save on data
  • git commit bookworm specific changes back to github

update for 2024-08-19

  • create cinder volume.
  • move project code
  • move mysql-db files
  • create a new debian bookworm instance
  • create user account for the app
  • install mysql
  • reattach volume
  • assert that volume is persistent after restart by copying of line at /etc/fstab
  • make sure that gunicorn restarts after restart
  • import mysql data
  • copy virtual env
  • copy crontab and
  • verify running of ensure working, db processing
  • migrate web-proxy (delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance)
  • verify web access and server
  • verify humaniki-backend running well
  • verify cron runs by itself
  • Shutdown the old Buster instance
  • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Buster instance
  • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Buster instance
  • delete some old denelezh partitions to save on data
  • git commit bookworm specific changes back to github
Maximilianklein claimed this task.

done and deleted