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HTML codes are displayed instead of input method names
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: mgharish

Input methods rendered incorrectly in KN:WP

Please check the attachment. This behaviour is observed in Kannada Wikipedia.
I'm using Ubuntu 11.10, Firefox 10.0.2, Display resolution is 1280x800 (16:10) if that matters.

Version: unspecified
Severity: major
OS: Linux
Platform: PC


Screenshot_at_2012-03-04_16:52:44.png (800×1 px, 382 KB)


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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 12:11 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz34955.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

mgharish wrote:

One more interesting point:
I don't see this issue if I logout! May this be due to any side effect of some other script?

(In reply to comment #1)

One more interesting point:
I don't see this issue if I logout! May this be due to any side effect of some
other script?

It must be. I could not reproduce this bug when logged in or logged out. From the screenshot, I feel that it is side effect or experiments locally- probably at user level.

I cannot reproduce the issue as well. Do you see the same issue on / commons as well?

mgharish wrote:

No.. It doesn't happen on Translate wiki

Which gadgets do you have installed? Also, adding Krinkle so that he can help troubleshoot.

mgharish wrote:

I have some user scripts installed apart from localized versions of HotCat, Twinkle etc. I'll remove them one by one and corner down which script is causing that issue.

*** Bug 35484 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

It looks like an array of input methods is polluted somewhere, because there are no input methods provided with names "uniq*", "dups*" or "chunk*". Having done some tracking, I'm pretty sure they come from here somehow:

By the way, I noticed that there still is a very bright warning about fonts in the sitenotice. As the site has web fonts, that's probably not needed any more, is it?

mgharish wrote:

Siebrand, I'm not sure whether that script is getting included in my JS. Will check it soon.

The site notice is about enabling Narayam, not about web fonts. The last part is still remaining as reminiscence and will be removed soon :)

mgharish wrote:

I disabled all the user scripts and gadgets. Still the problem persists.

mgharish wrote:

Thanks all. As pointed out above, problem was with morebits, used by Twinkle script. It is resolved after disabling it in the preferences.