openstack database instance rebuild
should now work for all database types (T355721), which means we can, and should, upgrade trove database VMs to the new guest image. There are several known bugs in the old guest image breaking, among other things, backups for many databases.
This process should be largely automated, but we may need to ssh into the new VMs to repair mountpoints -- for example replacing /dev/vdb with /dev/sdb the guest config in /etc/trove/conf.d.
- db01 | HEALTHY | huma |
- mariadb | HEALTHY | wikisp |
- wp1-db-server | HEALTHY | mwoffliner | Monday sometime
- thistle | HEALTHY | hoiscript |
- copypatrol-prod-db-01 | HEALTHY | copypatrol | Noon Monday (17:00 UTC)
- copypatrol-dev-db-01 | HEALTHY | copypatrol | Noon Monday (17:00 UTC)
- ifis_dbs | HEALTHY | pm20database |
- quarry-k8s | HEALTHY | quar |
- loggerdiscordbot | HEALTHY | discordbots |
- mwstake | HEALTHY | mwstake |
- adiutor | HEALTHY | adiutor |
- hash-associations | HEALTHY | spacemedia |
- dumps-db2 | HEALTHY | dumps |
- DBapp | HEALTHY | glamwikidashboard |
- quarry-dev-kube | ACTIVE | quarry |
- citefix-db | HEALTHY | citefix |
- xtools-db01 | HEALTHY | xtools | 10AM Monday (15:00 UTC)
- linkwatcher-db | HEALTHY | linkwatcher |
- tools-harbordb | HEALTHY | tools | 9 AM Monday 7-29
- terraform | HEALTHY | deployment-prep |
- baglama2 | HEALTHY | baglama2 |
- wmczdb01 | HEALTHY | wmcz-stats |
- harbordb | HEALTHY | toolsbeta |
- maps-test-2 | ERROR | maps |
- toc-databse | HEALTHY | reading-web-staging |
- libup-db02 | HEALTHY | library-upgrader |
- quarry-db-02 | HEALTHY | quarry |
- osmit-pgsql | HEALTHY | osmit |
- metricsinfra-db-1 | HEALTHY | metricsinfra |