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Wikimania Hackathon 2024: Remote Session on Using for Translating Wikimedia Interface Messages
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Join us on August 8th at 15:00 UTC (17:00 PM local time in Poland) for a remote session on to learn how to translate interface messages for Wikimedia projects. Access the session via the Google Meet Link.

We are organizing a remote session as part of the Wikimania Hackathon aimed at teaching participants how to use to translate interface messages for various Wikimedia projects. This session will guide users through the process of contributing translations, understanding the workflow, and addressing common challenges.


  • Introduction to
    • Provide an overview of the platform.
    • Explain the role of in Wikimedia projects.
  • Getting Started:
    • Walkthrough of account creation and logging in.
    • Navigating the interface.
  • Translating Interface Messages:
    • Demonstrate how to select projects and languages for translation.
    • Show how to access and edit translation messages.
    • Discuss best practices for translating interface messages.
  • Review and Quality Assurance:
    • Explain how translations are reviewed and approved.
    • Share tips for ensuring high-quality translations.
  • Q&A Session:
    • Open the floor for questions and troubleshooting common issues.


  • Platform: The session will be run in a Hybrid format with some participants in Katowice and others dialing in remotely. A Google Meet link will be provided to in-person and remote participants in advance.
  • Pre-requisites for Attendees: Basic familiarity with Wikimedia projects and a account.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Participants will gain hands-on experience with
  • Attendees will be able to contribute translations to Wikimedia projects independently.
  • Improved understanding of the translation workflow and quality assurance processes.

Session reflection
Seven participants attended the training: 

  • Ciell
  • Jennifer
  • Denny
  • Winston
  • Raisha
  • Newton Kamau

All participants had used the, so we learned from each other during the session. The participants actively participated in the session, asking questions and sharing best practices and suggestions. One of the best practices shared was it is important you don't alter the links with brackets, ensuring you pay attention to them and how they should appear for internal and external links when translating pages.

All of the participants agreed the session was relevant. One of them expressed that he would want to attend this type of session again but would be more open to attending a more technical session about translatewiki, a space to brainstorm solutions to configuration and Wikitext issues and other technical challenges with the translate wiki. 

Based on the above, we can explore segmenting the session so that one part is for experienced contributors with technical backgrounds and another part for beginners.

Event Timeline

srishakatux renamed this task from Remote Session on Using for Translating Wikimedia Interface Messages to Wikimania Hackathon 2024: Remote Session on Using for Translating Wikimedia Interface Messages.Jul 31 2024, 6:12 PM

@UOzurumba, @MaryMunyoki: Hi,

  • If this session took place: Please change the task status to resolved via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown.
    • If there are session notes (e.g. on Etherpad or a wiki page), or if the session was recorded, please make sure these resources are linked from this task.
    • If there are specific follow-up tasks from this session / event: Please create dedicated tasks and add another active project tag to those tasks, so others can find those tasks (as likely nobody in the future will look at the Hackathon workboard when trying to find something they are interested in).
  • In this session / event did not take place: Please set the task status to declined.

Thank you,
Phabricator housekeeping service

UOzurumba updated the task description. (Show Details)

adding reflections as a comment as well

Session reflection
Seven participants attended the training:

Newton Kamau
All participants had used the, so we learned from each other during the session. The participants actively participated in the session, asking questions and sharing best practices and suggestions. One of the best practices shared was it is important you don't alter the links with brackets, ensuring you pay attention to them and how they should appear for internal and external links when translating pages.

All of the participants agreed the session was relevant. One of them expressed that he would want to attend this type of session again but would be more open to attending a more technical session about translatewiki, a space to brainstorm solutions to configuration and Wikitext issues and other technical challenges with the translate wiki.

Based on the above, we can explore segmenting the session so that one part is for experienced contributors with technical backgrounds and another part for beginners.

adding reflections as a comment as well

Session reflection
Seven participants attended the training:

Newton Kamau
All participants had used the, so we learned from each other during the session. The participants actively participated in the session, asking questions and sharing best practices and suggestions. One of the best practices shared was it is important you don't alter the links with brackets, ensuring you pay attention to them and how they should appear for internal and external links when translating pages.

All of the participants agreed the session was relevant. One of them expressed that he would want to attend this type of session again but would be more open to attending a more technical session about translatewiki, a space to brainstorm solutions to configuration and Wikitext issues and other technical challenges with the translate wiki.

Based on the above, we can explore segmenting the session so that one part is for experienced contributors with technical backgrounds and another part for beginners.