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The number of articles is not updated
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: asep.arsenal

In the Indonesian wikibooks (, the number of articles in the statistics page doesn't change ( When a new article is created the number doesn't increase, and when an article is deleted, the number doesn't decrease. It stays constant at 1408.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
eqiad1: delete wmdeanalytics projectrepos/cloud/cloud-vps/tofu-infra!91aborreroarturo-801-eqiad1-delete-wmdeamain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 12:15 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz35169.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Looking at the stats:

$ mwscript showStats.php idwikibooks
Total views : 0
Total edits : 29954
Number of articles: 1408
Total pages : 6091
Number of users : 8073
Number of images : 583

I have manually run an update which gave:

$ mwscript initStats.php --wiki idwikibooks --update
Refresh Site Statistics

Counting total edits...26040
Counting number of articles...0
Counting total pages...4497
Counting number of users...8083
Counting number of images...583
Counting total page views...0

Updating site statistics...done.

Although it seems there are 1065 articles in the main (0) namespace:

(wikiadmin@db39) [idwikibooks]> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT page_id) FROM page, pagelinks WHERE page_namespace='0' AND page_is_redirect='0' AND pl_from=page_id;




1 row in set (0.03 sec)

That was disabled on Feb 2nd at 09:26 UTC by Tim:

09:26 Tim: disabling SiteStatsInit::articles

asep.arsenal wrote:

Now the number of articles has dissapeared.

  • Bug 35184 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

I made the Bug 35184. Sorry, I didn't know that this problem has been reported to bugzilla.

We found out that the number of articles were not increased because the new articles didn't contain any wikilink. But is there any explanation of the drop of all the stats? Also, regarding comment #2, what was the explanation for that?

Following a discussion with Tim Starling, I have re-enabled SiteStatsInit::articles().

$ mwscript showStats.php idwikibooks
Total views : 0
Total edits : 26230
Number of articles: 0
Total pages : 4536
Number of users : 8171
Number of images : 586

And here we have the statistics getting updated:

$ mwscript initStats.php --wiki idwikibooks --update
Refresh Site Statistics

Counting total edits...26183
Counting number of articles...1277
Counting total pages...4536
Counting number of users...8171
Counting number of images...586
Counting total page views...0

Updating site statistics...done.

But the statistics is wrong. The content pages should more than 1400, because I wrote the statistics in Also, the number of edits should more than 29000 (Now it only has 26000). Do you know what the problem is?

I think the statistic were wrong. We had a bug at some point in time that did not update the static count when deleting pages. That might be the root cause.

What is described at comment 7 is a script which query the database and count articles and edit at the time the script is run. So that is the exact and real count.

In conclusion, the statistics has always been wrong :-\ and are now correct :-)