Year-end reports with insights on user’s habits and achievements have become standard in many apps, such as Spotify and Duolingo. They have the potential to peak user’s curiosity to learn more about their own habits, compare themselves to others, and inspire a deeper connection with the platform.1 2 The Apps teams have created prototypes proving out the concept in 2023, using personalized reading data from the app. Volunteers have also developed a personalized prototype of a year in review for editing. This year, the Web team created an experimental version of a collective year in review during Q1, and the Comms team will continue work on a microsite Wikipedia Year in Review during Q2. The Apps will build off of these with a personalized version in Q2 utilizing locally stored apps data, and a collective version in Q3 building off of the microsite.
This work is part of the FY2425 annual plan Wiki Experiences 3.2 KR to see a 50% increase in the number of donations via touch points outside of the annual banner and email appeals per platform. This is under the Reader and Donor experiences objective 3.
Hypothesis: If we create a Wikipedia in Review experiment in the Wikipedia app, to allow users to see and share personalized data about their reading, editing, and donation habits, we will see 2% of viewers donate on iOS as a result of this feature, 5% click share and, 65% of users rating the feature neutral or satisfactory.
How will we know we were successful
15-day indicators
- LI 1.1 5% of users opt to learn more about the Wikimedia Foundation (users who clicked on “learn more”/unique users who saw that slide)
- LI 1.2 Completion rate: at least 20% of users who launch Year in Review view the last slide
- LI 1.3 At least 10 successful appmenu_yir_iOS donations
- LI 1.4 What % of users who have the year in review available to them interact with YiR?
- KR 1.1 2% of Year in Review those who engaged with the feature donate on iOS as a result of this feature
- Engaged = unique users who have viewed 2+ slides
- KR 1.2 5% of users opt to learn more about the Wikimedia Foundation (users who clicked on “learn more”/unique users who viewed donate slides)
- KR 1.3 5% of users who engaged click share on one or more screen
- KR 1.4 65% of users who engaged rate the feature neutral or satisfactory
- KR 1.5 (V2 only) Users that were shown personalized slides rate the feature Satisfactory at a higher rate (more than 10 percentage points higher) than users who were only shown collective slides.
- GR 1.1 No more than 2% of feedback includes reports of NSFW, Vandalism or Offensive articles referenced in Year in Review.
- GR 1.2 No more than 5% of users who engaged complain about fundraising components from survey, Donor relations, or support email
- CR 1.1 How does engagement differ for logged-out users vs logged-in users?
- CR 1.2 How the average donation amount compare for donations through Year in Review vs Banners?
- CR 1.3 What % of Year in Review donors were repeat donors vs new donors?
- CR 1.4 On which slide are users most likely to drop off (close feature using done)?
- CR 1.5 Did account creations increase as a result of this feature?
- CR 1.6 Did App installs increase after release of the feature?
Must Haves
- Share at least 2 personalized insights on App usage or editing for logged-in app users
- Personalized Insights should cover at least 30 days of activity
- Share at least 1 insight collective insight for each category: Reading trends, editing trends, Foundation Impact & Fundraising effectiveness for logged-in and logged-out users
- Allow users to share individual slides
- Ask satisfaction at the end, and collect text feedback
- Present opportunity to donate for countries where we accept donations from
- Ask users to opt-in to more robust tracking for a future iteration in the App
- Prompt logged-out users to create an account, or log in
- Where data comes from should be transparent to the user (link to page). It should be clear that reading data is only from a user’s App usage, and does not contain reading insights from Web
- Edits should be confined to Wikipedia edits, and include those made outside the app
- API calls for Editing Data should not cause strain on core APIs
- Users should be able to view their year in review multiple times
- Allow users to dismiss/clear their year in review
- Label the feature as beta or experimental
- Feature is fully accessible using dynamic type and VoiceOver
- Articles that are filtered out of Top Read should also be filtered out of insights
- Compare personalized insights to all App users, or collective insights
- Personalized Insights cover a longer period of time, ideally the calendar year of 2024
- The share feature includes a CTA for others to download the iOS App, with a custom app store link for tracking downloads that come from it
User Stories
- As a Wikipedia reader, I want to be visually struck and leave the experience remembering how cool and useful Wikipedia is —inspired and in awe at the breadth and depth of human knowledge that can happen over the course of a year, and ready to give back with a donation.
- As a Wikipedia reader, I want to see a breakdown of my reading habits in the App, so I share with my quirky Wikipedia reading habits with friends on social media.
- As an editor on Wikipedia, I want to see insights about my editing contributions to Wikipedia, so I can understand my overall impact this year and share with friends.
Target Quant Regions and Languages
- Spanish readers and editors in Mexico
- Italian readers and editors in Italy
- English readers in Mexico and Italy
Target Qualitative Audience
- Frequent App users, Readers, especially those that have not previously donated
- Guardrail Groups
- Low Bandwidth Readers
- Blind and Low Vision Users
T374067: Design Wikipedia Year in Review main flow and actions