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Useability testing for basic topic selection & community defined translation collections on UL platform
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Conduct usability testing for designs related to tasks T368718 and T368422. The test aims to gather feedback on the discovery, selection, and customization of article translation suggestions based on topics and community-defined lists/campaign lists.

Testing Details
  • Test plan: documentation.
  • Testing: Unmoderated testing on the Userlytics platform.
Testing Findings

After running these tests with Wikimania participants: T371453 and on Userlytics, these were the things that stood out:

Findings/ObservationsPossible improvementsNotes
1Adjust suggestions at the top of the page after selecting topics or lists wasn't clear enoughChange the copy to "save" or "apply" instead of "adjust suggestions".
2Navigation using the back arrow after selecting topics or lists is a confusing stepUsers expect to move forward instead of back.
3The use of 3 dots as a filter buttonUsers suggested we consider a different icon to represent it e.g. funnel. Others suggested we make it more clear that the 3 dots is a filter action.
4Make Search an optionUsers wanted the ability to search as opposed to filtering.This has been planned for in later iterations T369595
Next Steps

Iterate designs for T368422 and T368718 with 1-3 above.


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

PWaigi-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 9 2024, 7:58 AM
PWaigi-WMF updated Other Assignee, added: SGautam_WMF.
PWaigi-WMF added a project: OKR-Work.
PWaigi-WMF updated Other Assignee, added: PWaigi-WMF; removed: SGautam_WMF.
PWaigi-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
PWaigi-WMF renamed this task from Useability testing for basic topic selection & community defined lists on UL platform to Useability testing for basic topic selection & community defined translation collections on UL platform.Nov 5 2024, 11:46 AM