This task involves the work of fixing (or implementing [i]) Echo/MobileFrontend such that the 🔔 affordance offers some visual indication when new comments are published in topics you are subscribed to.
- Log in
- Navigate to a page where discussions are happening
- Tap 🔔 (mobile) or 🔔 Subscribe (desktop) to subscribe to a discussion you are interested in
- Ensure a new comment is published to the discussion you subscribed to in "3."
- 😄 Notice the 🔔 icon that appears in the page header (mobile + desktop) offers a visual indication that there are comment(s) you've not yet seen
- ❗Notice the 🔔 icon appears in the page header (mobile + desktop) offers NO visual indication that there are comment(s) you've not yet seen
i. It's not currently clear to me whether this functionality has existed, and has regressed, or never existed.