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Offer a visual indication when there is something new for me to see in a topic I'm subscribed to
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This task involves the work of fixing (or implementing [i]) Echo/MobileFrontend such that the 🔔 affordance offers some visual indication when new comments are published in topics you are subscribed to.


  1. Log in
  2. Navigate to a page where discussions are happening
  3. Tap 🔔 (mobile) or 🔔 Subscribe (desktop) to subscribe to a discussion you are interested in
  4. Ensure a new comment is published to the discussion you subscribed to in "3."


  1. 😄 Notice the 🔔 icon that appears in the page header (mobile + desktop) offers a visual indication that there are comment(s) you've not yet seen


  1. ❗Notice the 🔔 icon appears in the page header (mobile + desktop) offers NO visual indication that there are comment(s) you've not yet seen

i. It's not currently clear to me whether this functionality has existed, and has regressed, or never existed.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

i. It's not currently clear to me whether this functionality has existed, and has regressed, or never existed.

The functionality does exist (in present term!). For example, this is how the header on huwiki looks like for me:

Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 00-39-22 Wikipédia a szabad enciklopédia.png (52×462 px, 4 KB)

After some testing, it looks like the number disappears once you tap it. If you click the notification drawer on desktop, it gets grayed out, but it doesn’t disappear entirely – probably this is how it should work on mobile as well.