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Validate events sent to app_donor_experience

Event Timeline

Note: action_data key for value is_anon: is currently in camel case (isAnon:), we use snake case for this value elsewhere (words are all lowercase and separated by underscores) so should be changed to match. Also check the key for value is_temp: to make sure that is formatted in snake case as well. See

All events are verified (with campaign_id in action_data - great!) EXCEPT these - waiting for data - these events were likely just not fired during testing, engineers please generate events and I will re-validate:

explore_optout_profiledonate_start_clickis_anon = TRUE
explore_profiledonate_start_clickis_anon = TRUE

See data validation spreadsheet for details.

Results for is_temp: true/false in action_data can't be verified yet as temp accounts are not yet active, will validate when temp account backend is implemented and we can detect temp users.

Note: action_data key for value is_anon: is currently in camel case, we use snake case for this value elsewhere (words are all lowercase and separated by underscores) so should be changed to match. Also check the key for value is_temp: to make sure that is formatted in snake case as well.

Waiting for data:
explore_optout_profile webpay_click
explore_optout_profile donate_start_click is_anon = TRUE
explore_profile donate_start_click is_anon = TRUE

Results for is_temp: true/false in action_data can't be verified yet as temp accounts are not yet active, will validate when

Hey @SNowick_WMF! That may actually be pretty old testing data, we ended up stripping is_anon from action_data and relying on the underlying automatic MEP library to send is_anon... let me know if that makes sense. I think you might already have more recent data with the fix.