For all tasks:
- Support iPhone & iPad, but not landscape mode.
- Compatibility with VoiceOver and Dynamic Type.
Sprint #1 - Sep 30 - Oct 11
- T372343: [M] Locally track Native ApplePay donation events
- T370216: [L] Update history tab so that it can contain the same article multiple times
- T376040: [M] Create remote config for YiR
- T376041: [L] Initial data set-up for YiR
- T375566: [L] Year in Review - Build initial paging UI component
- T376071: [M] Introduction screen component for Year in Review
- T376042: [S] Create a shouldShowYearInReviewProfileItem method in data controller
- T376044: [M] Present paging components when tapping Profile item
Sprint #2 - Oct 14 - Oct 25
- T376066: [M] Article total personalized slide: You read 350 articles
- T376320: [M] Editing personalized slide: “You edited Wikipedia X times”
- T376046: [M] Attach donate logic to page slides
- T376316: [M] Year in Review new feature announcement
- T376062: [M] Instrumentation for Year in Review Part 1
- T376300: [M] Share functionality for slides
Sprint #3 - Oct 28 - Nov 8 (Tentative)
- T376073: [L] Add Donate slide for Year in Review, adjust slide component, create Learn more webview
- T376319: [M] Survey: “Help improve the year in review”
- T376219: [M] Locally track WebPay donations
- T378491: [L] Update UI for slides for YIR (Subtask of T377870)
- T378507: [S] Update feature announcement image (Subtask of T377870)
- T378508: [M] Passing in numbers for V1 illustrations (Subtask of T377870)
- T376313: [S] Add/update profile view year in review item + badge state
- T376310: [S] Allow users to hide Year in Review
- T378019: [S] Do not show Year in Review in Landscape Mode
- T378515: [S] Update source strings for collective slides to have confirmed data
- T377899: [S] Update copy & add link for collective Editing slide
- T376312: [S] Update profile button to badge state if Year in Review is ready
- T376355: [S] Info-icon on slides (nice-to-have)
Sprint #4 - Nov 11 - Nov 22 (Tentative)
- T376302: [M] Instrumentation for Year in Review Part 2
- T376666: [S] Add translations for target languages
- T378135: [S] Clear out persisted personalized editing data upon logout
- T376350: [S] Login / Account creation prompt
- T378129: [S] Audit and fix any VoiceOver bugs
Nice to have V1, or V2
In order of priority
- T376067: [L] Saved reading list personalized slide: You saved 25 articles
- T376069: [M] Day of the week personalized slide: You read most on Wednesday
- T376317: [M] Display tooltip onto Article or Explore profile button
For next year
- T376353: [M] Edit views personalized slide: “Your edits were viewed 7,000 times”
- T376415: [L] Collective Top Read slide
- T373569: [Spike] Investigate XTools for Apps Year in Review
- T376441: [L] Add article images / slide carousels into slides
- T376356: [XL] Topics personalized slide: "You read the most articles in the Arts and Culture topic area"
- T376358: [M] Cleanup - for persisted edits and (maybe) topics
- T376289: [M] Top read personalized data slide “X is your top read article”.