Previous Epic: T282926: [25Q1] Allow for users to specify Wikidata items in function evaluation requests
We will extend the capabilities laid down in Q1 so as to have a more complete package of Wikidata access capabilities for Wikifunctions users and contributors. We will produce a series of potential plans improving the Type system calculus, including features like Union/Maybe/Monad and broader adoption of generics, covering their implementation routes and costs, and the benefits of each for the Wikidata access use cases.
- Audit usage of Wikidata items in lexemes and lexeme forms; support retrieval and instantiation of more item content to ensure that lexemes and lexeme forms can be used effectively.
- Audit usage of Wikidata statements in lexemes and lexeme forms; support retrieval and instantiation of more statements to ensure that lexemes and lexeme forms can be used effectively. Add orchestrator code for Wikidata statements built-in equality function.
- Instantiation of Wikidata lexeme senses. Add orchestrator code for Wikidata lexeme senses built-in equality function.
- Consider making separate retrieval functions for properties, items, senses.
- Improvements to the WikiLambda UX for discovering and selecting Wikidata elements
- Create “demo” functions illustrating the use of Wikidata content (T372612) and/or providing building blocks for NLG work.
- Present these capabilities in Volunteers Corners and possibly other venues.
- Solicit feedback from interested community members, such as those who have been active in our NLG discussion group, and make plans to incorporate the feedback where feasible and there is a consensus.
Acceptance Criteria/Success Metrics
Our goal for this epic is to make it possible for Wikifunctions users to effectively use Wikidata lexicographical data, so they will begin to create natural language functions that generate sentence phrases, including those that can handle irregular forms.