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Audit extensions and configs that might need testing before minor pilot wikis release
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Ahead of our deployment to minor pilot wikis, check the list of minor pilot wikis to see whether they have any extensions that we're concerned about, and test whether these extensions might behave in unexpected ways. File further work if necessary.


Unowned extensions that have not yet been updated:

  • DismissableSiteNotice (we expect this to be safe)
  • GlobalUserPage (we expect this to be safe)
  • VipsScaler
  • FlaggedRevs

Extensions with known issues:

  • Flow (temporary users should not be able to interact with Flow)

Proposed wikis

(From T376499)

  • Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia
  • Romanian Wikipedia
  • Serbian Wikipedia
  • Danish Wikipedia
  • Cantonese Wikipedia
  • Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia
  • Swahili Wikipedia
  • Italian Wikiquote
  • Igbo Wikipedia
  • Japanese Wikibooks
  • Persian Wiktionary
  • Czech Wikiversity

We may not need to do any testing if we think the extension should be safe, but it would be helpful to be aware that it is on the wiki.

Event Timeline

Reviewing the Special:Version and configs of the proposed wikis, I came up with this list and include any testing I did:

  • Flow (is it now read-only on nowiki? T370753)
  • Nuke (done in T342785)
  • Echo (done in T330509#9105635; still at least one open bug T375773)
  • ORES/Machine Learning on srwiki and rowiki (T352839)
  • DismissableSiteNotice (Temp users will see the same site notice as for named users. Can successfully dismiss the notice. Tested on dewiki beta.)
  • VipsScaler (Trying places like and return “This special page is disabled for performance reasons”. I guess there is no way/reason to test this.)
  • GlobalUserPage (I think this is not possible to test until temp accounts are available on meta)
  • Campaign Events on igwiki and swwiki (possibly some outstanding work in T376346. Talking to members of Campaigns team, they don’t see any blockers.)
  • Babel (Seems to work fine for a temp user on testwiki.)
  • Quiz (no test environment)
  • AntiSpoof (I thought that perhaps temporary usernames, being quite similar to one another, might get caught by Antispoof. If there was a problem with this would we probably have seen it by now on, for example, dewiki beta or testwiki.)
  • Wikidata client stuff (already done T373975#10206792?)
  • Campaigns (done T357410)
  • Event logging? (Some open tasks T374812, T374811. I tested firing a few events as a temporary user on testwiki. It seemed fine.)
  • OAuth (Only named users can use OAuth T355378. Testing, I see that if I try to authenticate with OAuth as a temp user on beta commons I am asked to log in.)
  • TheWikipediaLibrary (done? T332552. Temp users will not be able to use OAuth to authenticate on
  • NewUserMessage (fawiktionary, rowiki) (Temp users do not get a welcome message on their talk page. Tested locally. T341976)
  • StopForumSpam (jawikibooks) (Can block anonymous, temp and named users from editing. The sfs_blocked AbuseFilter variable also works against anon, temp and named users. Could only test locally.)