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MinT for Wikipedia Readers: Language search does not suppor language name based search
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT



Change the target language to say, Hindi. Type Hindi in language selector

image.png (729×572 px, 45 KB)

Observe Hindi is not listed as language.

Type the language code of Hindi - hi. Now you can see hindi is listed as expected

{F57602957 size=full}

Unrelated, but note the language selector has no border or shadow and it overlaps with the article content in a broken way

Event Timeline

Triage meeting notes: This is not an issue specific for MinT for Wiki Readers. The language selector used is the new Vue-based one used in Section Translation (example):

bn.m.wikipedia.org_w_index.php_title=Special_ContentTranslation&active-list=suggestions&from=en&to=bn(Wiki Tablet) (3).png (768×1 px, 87 KB)

This may be an issue to fix before we consider enabling the unified dashboard on desktop to avoid regressions.

Pginer-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 31 2024, 8:59 AM

@santhosh, based on the notes above, do you think this could be can be closed as a duplicate of T298196: Language search does not show some prefix matches ?

Yes, it seems same issue. Marking as duplicate