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Possible remote user supplied PHP class name loading (
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While accessing an error is thrown failing to load PEAR.php.

[2024-10-23T07:40:29.604354+00:00] exception.ERROR: [9079130288724cad24e28653] /wiki/Thread:User_talk:GerardM/Mail?action=edit
Error: Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' (
"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' (include_path='/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/mail:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/mail_mime:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/net_smtp:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/net_socket:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/net_url2:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/pear_exception:.:/usr/share/php')
at /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/pear/mail/Mail.php:48)
#0 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(582): include()
#1 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(433): Composer\\Autoload\\{closure}()
#2 [internal function]: Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader->loadClass()
#3 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php(45): is_callable()
#4 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/Message/Message.php(1344): Wikimedia\\Message\\ScalarParam->__construct()
#5 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/Message/Message.php(857): MediaWiki\\Message\\Message::plaintextParam()
#6 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/Output/OutputPage.php(1226): MediaWiki\\Message\\Message->plaintextParams()
#7 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/Output/OutputPage.php(1194): MediaWiki\\Output\\OutputPage->setPageTitleInternal()
#8 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/extensions/LiquidThreads/includes/Pages/ThreadPermalinkView.php(226): MediaWiki\\Output\\OutputPage->setPageTitle()
#9 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/extensions/LiquidThreads/includes/LqtDispatch.php(112): ThreadPermalinkView->show()
#10 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/extensions/LiquidThreads/includes/LqtDispatch.php(232): LqtDispatch::threadPermalinkMain()
#11 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/HookContainer/HookContainer.php(159): LqtDispatch::tryPage()
#12 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/HookContainer/HookRunner.php(2567): MediaWiki\\HookContainer\\HookContainer->run()
#13 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/actions/ActionEntryPoint.php(696): MediaWiki\\HookContainer\\HookRunner->onMediaWikiPerformAction()
#14 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/actions/ActionEntryPoint.php(510): MediaWiki\\Actions\\ActionEntryPoint->performAction()
#15 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/actions/ActionEntryPoint.php(146): MediaWiki\\Actions\\ActionEntryPoint->performRequest()
#16 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/includes/MediaWikiEntryPoint.php(200): MediaWiki\\Actions\\ActionEntryPoint->execute()
#17 /srv/mediawiki/tags/2024-10-22_21:45:53/index.php(58): MediaWiki\\MediaWikiEntryPoint->run()
#18 {main}
","exception_url":"/wiki/Thread:User_talk:GerardM/Mail?action=edit","reqId":"9079130288724cad24e28653","caught_by":"entrypoint"} []

Might be related to rMW9d56257d8c15: Make Message and MessageValue compatible

Please note that is not hosted in WMF's production

Event Timeline

Wait, was T179080 never fixed? Kind of sounds a little like that. But im not sure, very likely could be wrong. think that is unrelated

Bawolff triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.EditedOct 23 2024, 8:56 AM

At a glance, i think you should assume whatever server this was running under is likely compromised.

Unless I am misunderstanding something, I think it should be seriously discussed to emergency undeploy LQT from WMF servers like right now.

So I'm not very familiar with LQT, so i might be overreacting, but to me that exception looks like what would happen if there was some sort of deserialization vuln happening

If possible, it would help to know what the subject line of any LQT threads from that page were, if they were suspicious [possibly the suspicious subject lines were just being previewed and not saved]

hashar subscribed.

It is unclear to me what is causing a code injection if any? My guess is one can craft a title in a LiquidThread topic that causes a PHP file in the include path to be autoloaded (and thus potentially allowing arbitrary code execution)?

As noted by Niklas, the is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) in \Wikimedia\Message\ScalarParam constructor comes from 9d56257d8c15.

It is unclear to me what is causing a code injection if any? My guess is one can craft a title in a LiquidThread topic that causes a PHP file in the include path to be autoloaded (and thus potentially allowing arbitrary code execution)?

Agreed – though I’m not sure if this can actually cause arbitrary code execution. Also, my guess would be that this affects a lot more than LQT, as it seems to be triggered by a bog-standard Message::plaintextParams() call.

Possible fix?

diff --git a/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php b/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php
index 729746f500..467ef2855a 100644
--- a/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php
+++ b/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public function __construct( $type, $value ) {
 			// Ensure that $this->value is JSON-serializable, even if $value is not
 			// (but don't do it when using ParamType::OBJECT, since those objects may not expect it)
 			$value = MessageValue::newFromSpecifier( $value );
-		} elseif ( $value instanceof Stringable || is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) ) {
+		} elseif ( is_object( $value ) && ( $value instanceof Stringable || is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) ) ) {
 			// TODO: Remove separate '__toString' check above once we drop PHP 7.4
 			$value = (string)$value;
 		} elseif ( !is_string( $value ) && !is_numeric( $value ) ) {

(I.e. avoid the is_callable() check if the arg is a string.)

Bawolff lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Needs Triage.EditedOct 23 2024, 9:24 AM

Ah, i think i overreacted here. Sorry for the panic

is_callable can take [ 'classname', 'staticmethod' ] which can trigger autoloading of the variable if it matches a class name known to mediawiki.

It is unclear to me what is causing a code injection if any? My guess is one can craft a title in a LiquidThread topic that causes a PHP file in the include path to be autoloaded (and thus potentially allowing arbitrary code execution)?

Agreed – though I’m not sure if this can actually cause arbitrary code execution. Also, my guess would be that this affects a lot more than LQT, as it seems to be triggered by a bog-standard Message::plaintextParams() call.

Possible fix?

diff --git a/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php b/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php
index 729746f500..467ef2855a 100644
--- a/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php
+++ b/includes/libs/Message/ScalarParam.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public function __construct( $type, $value ) {
 			// Ensure that $this->value is JSON-serializable, even if $value is not
 			// (but don't do it when using ParamType::OBJECT, since those objects may not expect it)
 			$value = MessageValue::newFromSpecifier( $value );
-		} elseif ( $value instanceof Stringable || is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) ) {
+		} elseif ( is_object( $value ) && ( $value instanceof Stringable || is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) ) ) {
 			// TODO: Remove separate '__toString' check above once we drop PHP 7.4
 			$value = (string)$value;
 		} elseif ( !is_string( $value ) && !is_numeric( $value ) ) {

(I.e. avoid the is_callable() check if the arg is a string.)

I agree that seems like a reasonable fix.

jijiki renamed this task from Possible remote user supplied PHP class loading to Possible remote user supplied PHP class loading ( 23 2024, 9:31 AM
jijiki updated the task description. (Show Details)

Proper patch with a test, if anyone wants to review:

(I’m not sure if the test class in that file actually needs to be called *TestCase or if I’m hallucinating the structure test that insists on *Test(Case).php names in tests/phpunit/, but we can always change that later once it’s on Gerrit and we actually have CI.)

Amended patch to make phpcs happy (just added a line break in the condition to bring it below 120 chars again):

Note: a handful of tests in tests/phpunit/unit/includes/libs/Message/ are skipped under PHP 8.2, so if anyone with a local PHP 7.4 / 8.1 install could run those with the patch, that would be great ^^

From security perspective, I guess you can load any file in includes ending in .php, since that is what the MediaWiki namespace is mapped to (and who knows what else in extensions and vendor). Still it seems hard to come up with anything evil.

The best i can think of is \\MediaWiki\\DevelopmentSettings which will disable rate limits and set some debug settings which might leak some info (however some of these settings might be set too late to take effect)

FWIW I've deployed a local patch on translatewiki to remove the is_callable given the comment about it only being there for 7.4 support. We are already on 8.x on translatewiki.

From security perspective, I guess you can load any file in includes ending in .php, since that is what the MediaWiki namespace is mapped to (and who knows what else in extensions and vendor). Still it seems hard to come up with anything evil.

The best i can think of is \\MediaWiki\\DevelopmentSettings which will disable rate limits and set some debug settings which might leak some info (however some of these settings might be set too late to take effect)

FWIW, I can confirm that locally, without my patch checked out, loading index.php?title=MediaWiki\DevelopmentSettings is enough to load DevelopmentSettings.php (and cause lots of warnings). At least some of the settings are indeed no longer taking effect by this point (index.php?title=MediaWiki\DevelopmentSettings&uselang=x-xss does not result in the “XSS” language code from T340201 being used, probably because the relevant service was passed a copy of $wgUseXssLanguage long before DevelopmentSettings.php was loaded and changed it to true), but I wouldn’t want to bet that this is true for all of them.

We make Composer dump a classmap in production so it won't autoload files that weren't supposed to be autoloadable. (Files that were supposed to be autoloadable would presumably have no side effect.) Extensions don't typically have side effects, either. The MediaWiki autoloader will load everything under includes but none of the files that weren't supposed to be autoloaded look truly dangerous at a glance. DefaultSettings & co operate in the current scope, not the global one, so they can't be used to mess with configuration settings; DevelopmentSettings just relaxes throttles + sets $wgShowExceptionDetails but it's too late for that to take effect. I guess you could first load DevelopmentSettings.php then Setup.php to reinstall the exception handler, but Setup.php is huge and I'm sure something would break.

Nikerabbit renamed this task from Possible remote user supplied PHP class loading ( to Possible remote user supplied PHP class name loading ( 23 2024, 12:01 PM

I'm moving this to MW Eng Group radar. Please, let me know if I'm missing something or our support is required.

Well, it would be great if someone™ could review the patch from T377912#10253394

Well, it would be great if someone™ could review the patch from T377912#10253394

+2. Thanks for attaching a test case!

Patch looks good to me. Sorry about that.

I wonder if this is something that could be caught by Phan taint check.

Reedy added a parent task: Restricted Task.Oct 23 2024, 3:03 PM

I wonder if this is something that could be caught by Phan taint check.

Interesting… yeah, maybe it should check for tainted calls to is_callable (first arg) and class_exists.

I just deployed this patch. Given that the issue was only introduced in the last train branch, and translatewiki already deployed a different fix (T377912#10253407), I think it would be fine to upload it on Gerrit pretty soon?

So, this is mostly my fault – while I knew how is_callable works in regards to autoloading, and I knew about similar issues caused by unserializing user input, I just never connected these two things in my mind as a potential security issue to look out for. I'm not sure if it is common knowledge.

However, I think it's also worth noting that this wouldn't have occurred if we didn't have to write code for PHP 7.4. In this case the is_callable could be replaced by an instanceof check (per the code comment), but more generally, the first class callable syntax introduced in PHP 8.1 also allows replacing is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) with is_callable( $value->__toString( ... ) ), which does not work (and thus does not trigger the autoloading) when $value is a string.

I just deployed this patch. Given that the issue was only introduced in the last train branch, and translatewiki already deployed a different fix (T377912#10253407), I think it would be fine to upload it on Gerrit pretty soon?

Thanks. Given that this is a core patch, the default would be to hold it for the next security release (T375621). But for things like this that only briefly existed due to a bad commit, we've sometimes backported them sooner. Thoughts, @Reedy?

It has to be backported soon if we want to avoid getting it into the release candidate for 1.44, right?

Assigning to @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE since he handled a lot of the early discussion and wrote the patch.

Just FYI - In a separate conversation w/ @Reedy, he and I were both fine with backporting this now.

We make Composer dump a classmap in production so it won't autoload files that weren't supposed to be autoloadable. (Files that were supposed to be autoloadable would presumably have no side effect.) Extensions don't typically have side effects, either. The MediaWiki autoloader will load everything under includes but none of the files that weren't supposed to be autoloaded look truly dangerous at a glance. DefaultSettings & co operate in the current scope, not the global one, so they can't be used to mess with configuration settings; DevelopmentSettings just relaxes throttles + sets $wgShowExceptionDetails but it's too late for that to take effect. I guess you could first load DevelopmentSettings.php then Setup.php to reinstall the exception handler, but Setup.php is huge and I'm sure something would break.

Worth noting that in T378006 we verified that the dumped classmap in production still contains directory entries, so any file in those directories can potentially be loaded.

@Reedy @sbassett Are you planning to submit Lucas's patch to Gerrit yourselves, or waiting for someone else to do it?

@Reedy @sbassett Are you planning to submit Lucas's patch to Gerrit yourselves, or waiting for someone else to do it?

Oh, figured Lucas might, but I can go ahead and post it now.

Change #1082849 had a related patch set uploaded (by SBassett; author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/core@master] SECURITY: Message: Don’t call is_callable() on strings

Sorry, I thought it’s usually the security team who uploads those patches. +2ed.

Change #1082849 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] SECURITY: Message: Don’t call is_callable() on strings

rc.0 is in theory about a week away -

So where do we need to backport before then? wmf/next?

So where do we need to backport before then? wmf/next?

Do we need to? It's patched in Wikimedia production right now per Lucas' deploy and the master patch is merged in gerrit. So it should get branched as part of 1.43.0-wmf.29 next week, and then the security patch can fall off from the deployment hosts.

Do we need to? It's patched in Wikimedia production right now per Lucas' deploy and the master patch is merged in gerrit. So it should get branched as part of 1.43.0-wmf.29 next week, and then the security patch can fall off from the deployment hosts.

Next week is 1.44.0-wmf.1 though. We still need to get the fix into the 1.43 release. I suppose just backporting to 1.43.0-wmf.28 should do the trick?

We still need to get the fix into the 1.43 release. I suppose just backporting to 1.43.0-wmf.28 should do the trick?


Change #1083368 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/core@REL1_43] SECURITY: Message: Don’t call is_callable() on strings

Change #1083368 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@REL1_43] SECURITY: Message: Don’t call is_callable() on strings

I think that's all. Thanks everyone. This task could be made public now.

This has been marked as a subtask of T375622 "Tracking bug for MediaWiki 1.39.11/1.41.5/1.42.4", but the bug does not affect any of those versions, just 1.43.

The only affected WMF branch is 1.43.0-wmf.28, which has a private security patch applied, so a backport there is not needed either (but it could be done for clarity/transparency if anyone feels like doing it on Monday).

This has been marked as a subtask of T375622 "Tracking bug for MediaWiki 1.39.11/1.41.5/1.42.4", but the bug does not affect any of those versions, just 1.43.

Yeah, it can probably be removed as a sub-task unless @Reedy wants to mention it in the next security release as a footnote or something.

sbassett triaged this task as Medium priority.
sbassett removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
sbassett changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
sbassett changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".
sbassett changed Risk Rating from N/A to Medium.

Thank you everyone for the close collaboration while addressing this task \o/