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webservice restart suddenly stopped working
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From #wikimedia-cloud in IRC:

10:00 <+wm-bot> !log urbanecm@tools-bastion-13 tools.sal $ mv service.template service.template.bak # seemingly invalid file, argument ACTION: invalid choice
10:00 <+wm-bot> !log urbanecm@tools-bastion-13 tools.sal $ webservice restart # tool was down
10:00 <+stashbot> Logged the message at
10:00 <+stashbot> Logged the message at
11:58 <+wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> urbanecm: uh oh, that sounds like potential fallout from 😬 could you create a phabricator task with the error you saw?

From my terminal:

tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ webservice restart                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Your template file (/data/project/sal/service.template) contains errors:                                                                                                                                                                             
  argument ACTION: invalid choice: 'php7.4' (choose from 'start', 'stop', 'status', 'restart', 'shell', 'logs')                                                                                                                                      
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ webservice --help
Your template file (/data/project/sal/service.template) contains errors:
  argument ACTION: invalid choice: 'php7.4' (choose from 'start', 'stop', 'status', 'restart', 'shell', 'logs')
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ toolforge webservice --help
Your template file (/data/project/sal/service.template) contains errors:
  argument ACTION: invalid choice: 'php7.4' (choose from 'start', 'stop', 'status', 'restart', 'shell', 'logs')
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ cat service.template
backend: kubernetes
type: php7.4
health-check-path: /toolinfo.json
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ toolforge webservice php7.4 status
Your template file (/data/project/sal/service.template) contains errors:
  argument ACTION: invalid choice: 'php7.4' (choose from 'start', 'stop', 'status', 'restart', 'shell', 'logs')
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ mv service.template service.template.bak
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ toolforge webservice php7.4 restart
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ dologmsg '$ mv service.template service.template.bak # seemingly invalid file, argument ACTION: invalid choice'
tools.sal@tools-bastion-13:~$ dologmsg '$ webservice restart # tool was down'

Filling per @LucasWerkmeister's request.


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
d/changelog: bump to 0.103.14repos/cloud/toolforge/tools-webservice!63dcarobump_tools-webservicemain
functional: test a service.template with the type not the lastrepos/cloud/toolforge/toolforge-deploy!596dcarotest_webservice_templatemain
service.template: parse type always the lastrepos/cloud/toolforge/tools-webservice!62dcarofix_service_templatemain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
dcaro triaged this task as High priority.
dcaro edited projects, added Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 16); removed Toolforge.
Urbanecm assigned this task to dcaro.
Urbanecm raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.
Urbanecm triaged this task as High priority.
Urbanecm updated the task description. (Show Details)
Urbanecm added a subscriber: dcaro.

...edit conflicts, sorry about that.

I can reproduce locally, looking

The fix has been released :)

I'll close this, you can move back the service.template so you don't lose the options that were set there. Reopen if you find it's not working please!

dcaro moved this task from Next Up to Done on the Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 16) board.