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Ensure quickstart provisions a working wikilambda
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Building on the already existing work with mediawiki-quickstart, create a local instance of Wikilambda that could be spun up using this mediawiki-quickstart as well.

A couple of helpful guides:


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Adding docker-compose to enable WikiLambda and WikiEditor dependency.repos/test-platform/mediawiki-quickstart!42ebomaniT380409main
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Do we want to encourage people to use that framework? All our documentation is about the proper MediaWiki Docker system instead.

If it could work with the services then I think it would be a great option for onboarding to Wikilambda. For other extensions, mediawiki-quickstart has made it incredibly easy to get those envs spun up. This may not be the case with Wikilambda because of the services, but this ticket is just for the test platform team to be able to create the instance. As far as encouraging people to use that framework, if it does turn out to be able to make it as straightforward to install as it has other with extensions, then I think it would create a more standardized local setup across machines.

SDunlap renamed this task from Create mediawiki-quickstart for Wikilambda to Ensure quickstart provisions a working wikilambda.Jan 13 2025, 8:40 PM
SDunlap edited projects, added Test-Platform (The First One); removed Test-Platform.

We might be able to spin up the services by adding containers for the evaluator and orchestractor to the docker-compose override

To test the current WikiLambda installation:

VERBOSE=1 ./fresh_install
VERBOSE=1 ./install extensions/WikiLambda

( installs/starts Mediawiki, then installs WikiLambda and its dependencies )

Relevant WikiLambda files are here:

@Jdforrester-WMF mediawiki-quickstart is currently being developed, but we would like it to eventually become the tool of choice for developers and testers. One thing nice about it, is it codifies the provisioning per module (skin or extension) (e.g. for wikilambda it adds the user/roles and performs the necessary maintenance scripts,) so the documentation becomes executable code in a sense.

This facilitates provisioning of extensions which depend on additional docker containers being spun up:

Enable component-level docker-compose.yml files

Nice progress! Some tests are still failing: P70991.