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Investigate Editors fewer than 50 edits are adding short descriptions
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


*Steps to replicate the issue** (include links if applicable):

*Log in with an account that has fewer than 50 edits (actually fewer than 20 edits).
*Navigate to an article where short descriptions can be added or suggested.
*Observe whether the short description suggestion tool appears.
*Attempt to add a short description.

What happens?:
The short description suggesting tool occasionally appears for editors with fewer than 50 edits.

What should have happened instead?:
The tool should not show short description suggestions to editors with fewer than 50 edits, as previously intended.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
This issue has been reported by a user (Jonesey95) with examples of edits: Example Edit 1 and Example Edit 2.

Event Timeline

ARamadan-WMF renamed this task from Short Description Suggesting Tool Showing Suggestions to Editors With Fewer Than 50 Edits to Investigate Editors fewer than 50 edits are adding short descriptions.Tue, Feb 4, 1:09 PM
ARamadan-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
ARamadan-WMF removed subscribers: Aklapper, ARamadan-WMF.

@ARamadan-WMF: What was the intention behind "vandalizing" this task (removing description, subscribers, project tags)?

@Aklapper, There was no intention to vandalize the task. After receiving feedback from our testing engineer, I decided to investigate the issue further with the Android engineers before filling the board with uncertain tickets. To avoid unnecessary noise, I adjusted the task accordingly.

If restoring the original description is the preferred approach while the investigation is ongoing, I’m happy to follow that process. Let me know how best to proceed.

Hmm, not sure I can follow why removing me from subscribers makes further investigation easier... :)
If you plan to work on this task, please feel free to set yourself as assignee.
If a task is currently not actionable (maybe that comes close to "uncertain"?), please feel free to set the task status to stalled, if I understand correctly.
It's just that tasks without assignee and without any active project tags very often linger and get forgotten. Hope that makes sense!

The team is still working on deciding the next action for this ticket.