Author: df
I have troubles with getting MediaWiki to work: The installation worked like a
charm, but using it is not possible, as ugly urls (with title and action as GET
parameters) are simply ignored. New URLS (index.php/Main_Page) are fine, but I
can't log in, as the login link
(/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin&returnto=Main_Page) simple goes to the Main
page. The problem seems to be that the title argument is not correctly read from
the URL (as is the action argument).
I use the following setup:
- MediaWiki 1.4.1
- PHP 4.3.11
- IIS 6
- MySQL 4.1.7-nt
Thanks for any pointers,
Version: 1.4.x
Severity: major
OS: Windows Server 2003
Platform: PC