Currently any page in the Module namespace has its full contents syntax highlighted. This is problematic as it makes hyperlinking impossible. Every page in the Module namespace becomes a dead-end page! This is bad.
There has to be some support for including working (i.e., parsed and rendered) wikitext in Module pages, in some form. I've come up with three different ideas for doing so. There may be better ideas, but these are a starting point for thought and discussion.
(1) Explicitly define non-script areas, similar to how templates have a <noinclude> area. You could add some markup such as a horizontal rule ("----") or something where text in those sections is not treated as part of the scripting language (code) and is instead run through the standard MediaWiki parser.
(2) Implicitly define non-script areas. This would rely on magic transclusion, for example Module:Foo would have an implicit transclusion of Module:Foo/Header and Module:Foo/Footer, allowing users to add categories and introductory text in subpages, but not mess with the Module:Foo page itself.
(3) Create a linking hybrid, where links are clickable and get properly inserted into link-trakcing tables, but do not alter how the code reads. This would be similar to Bugzilla's current linking behavior in a lot of ways. This is my least favorite option.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal