I am using vector Skin. My recent changes list is showing two different fonts.
For an wikidata item the font family sans-serif is defined inline:
<li class="mw-line-even mw-changeslist-line-watched watchlist-0-Q121353">
<span class="wb-itemlink">
<span class="wb-itemlink-label" lang="de" dir="ltr" style="font-family: sans-serif;">(1030) Vitja</span>
<span class="wb-itemlink-id">(Q121353)</span>
For other rows in my watchlist html contain this code:
<li class="mw-line-odd mw-changeslist-line-watched watchlist-9-Gadget-autoEdit_js">
<span class="mw-title">
<a class="mw-changeslist-title" title="MediaWiki talk:Gadget-autoEdit.js" href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Gadget-autoEdit.js">MediaWiki talk:Gadget-autoEdit.js</a>
No font is defined inline that is why my browser is using this css entry:
- common styles independent from JavaScript being enabled or disabled *
- @since 0.1
- @file
- @ingroup Wikibase *
- @license GNU GPL v2+
- @author H. Snater */
- {
/* defining Arial as default font working around problematic font metrics of Helvetica applied
in Firefox and Opera on Mac cutting off high characters like "Å" in some cases */
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
Arial is not my default sans-serif font. That's why two fonts are mixed up in recent changes. [Quoted html only shows important hierarchy.]
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal