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Update Wikivoyage logo where applicable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


'wgLogo' => array(

'wikivoyage'	=> '//',


File /usr/local/apache/common/images/sul/wikivoyage.png needs to be updated

File favicon.ico needs to be updated

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:15 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz43565.

The logo matter is still currently under discussion.

Currently, we wouldn't only be able to push the new graphic only logo, but we would have to keep current text logos, as these ones aren't ready, and font is still under discussion.

This choice would break graphical chart coherence.

Let's wait a final decision is made about typography too before deploying new logos in one operation.

The final logo has been decided. Could a sysadmin please bet it going, as follows:

(1) The default $wgLogo for the wikivoyage family should be set to


At present there are no "local" variants. All WV languages should use the English version for now.

(2) A sysadmin should fully protect the file [[:commons:File:Wikivoyage-logo-en.svg]] on Commons to prevent vandalism.

(3) Update the sul image per comment 0 (though the file [[File:Wikivoyage-logo.svg]] without the text should be used for this purpose)

(4) Update favicon.ico to an icon based on [[File:Wikivoyage-logo.svg]] (again without text)

(Also resetting the importance to normal; project logos are extremely visible and hardly a trivial matter.)

(2) no, that should be done by local commons admins, please contact one

Nice a decision has been reached. I'm preparing that

A side note:
(In reply to comment #1)

This choice would break graphical chart coherence.

We still have a coherence issue.

Logos in another languages has to first be prepared, so we can deploy new logo in every wiki and announce the visual identity deployment through a post on the Wikimedia Blog.

[ Taking this bug. ]

I don't understand your concern with coherence. What is "graphical chart coherence"?

I have discovered that 6 of the 7 WV languages are currently using the English name "Wikivoyage", so no additional logos need to be prepared for those projects.

ruwikivoyage will require its own logo, however the font we are using doesn't contain Cyrillic characters, so I suggest you just give ruwikivoyage the English logo for now. (They are already using an English logo, so they would be used to it.)

The lack of Cyrillic characters is a real issue and a blocker.

There is a third version of the logo to prepare for es., with Wikiviajes as name.

[ Back to shellpolicy. ]

es is on incubator, so there's no rush. But I'll make a logo for them in a sec.

What should we do about Cyrillic? The community at ruwikivoyage is small (only one active editor, apparently) and they are not likely to reach a consensus quickly.

I would have thought the less you have editor, the more quickly you can get a consensus.

I see four solutions:

(1) To choose another font. A new round of vote, with a *professional* font (professional meaning UTF-8 compatible, with diacritics support to write é ô ï etc., and with Cyrillic characters support)

(2) To improve the current font.

(3) ru. chose as name Wikivoyage in Latin characters.

(4) The community decides they don't care about coherence (which would mean a broader support than 4 ou 5 opinions) and denies to ru. the right to have the same font than others wikis.

The matter raised by Dereckson is indeed major. Wikimedia projects have to support many different languages, and a UTF-8 compatible font seems a technical necessity for logos and stuff like this as well as a common sense requirement to be considered. You have to think long-term, not only at russian but at all sorts of other fonts.

See [[File:Wikivoyage-logo-es.svg]] for the Spanish logo. Also see [[voy:ru:Wikivoyage:Пивная путешественников#Project_logo]] for what I posted at ru.

(In reply to comment #7)

The community at ruwikivoyage is small
(only one active editor, apparently)

I just wanted to apologise again to the Russian community for casting aspersions in this way! It seems there are lots more community members besides Ymblanter. Don't know how I missed it.

(In reply to comment #9)

You have to think long-term, not only at russian but at all
sorts of other fonts.

Yes, true. However the general consensus is that this logo and this font is a "stop gap", in order to move beyond the old "checkmark" WV logo, and I anticipate a fresh WV logo poll before too long. So the community is really not thinking long-term in any sense :)

(In reply to comment #8)

(3) ru. chose as name Wikivoyage in Latin characters.

This seems to be the gradually-forming consensus. Let me have another try at getting the auto-link to work: [[:voy:ru:Wikivoyage:Пивная_путешественников#Project_logo]]

Still, this is not an acceptable solution.

The font doesn't support the traditional latin accentuated characters.

(In reply to comment #8)

with diacritics support to write é ô ï, etc.

(In reply to comment #9)

The matter raised by Dereckson is indeed major. Wikimedia projects have to
support many different languages, and a UTF-8 compatible font seems a
necessity for logos and stuff like this as well as a common sense requirement
to be considered. You have to think long-term, not only at russian but at all
sorts of other fonts.

(In reply to comment #12)

Still, this is not an acceptable solution.

The font doesn't support the traditional latin accentuated characters.

I agree that the choice of characters in the font is unusual - it doesn't even support Latin-1, which is definitely substandard. But for now it really doesn't matter. As you can see at meta, the community wishes to get the logo up and visible as soon as possible. No existing projects require the additional accented characters; the only problem in the near future would be [[m:Requests_for_new_languages/Wikivoyage_Polish]] (we would have to create our own "dotted Z" character, which wouldn't be too difficult - just copy the dot on the I and put it over the Z - no biggie). And of course keep in mind that this logo probably won't be around for too long.

The planned official "launch" date for WV is January 15, and community members have more important things to do before then (cleaning up the massive amounts of redlinked images, etc) than participate in yet another logo vote (there have already been three).

I cannot see what we are supposed to do if you refuse to configure this logo.


Here what I tried first: send a nice mail to the font author, and ask her a font improvement.

She really could like the fact we're going to use her font in our project. This will be a good use case for her "A Wikipedia's sister project use my font as logo.".

Please don't waste 4 more days time to argue about if, what and act instead: if she agrees to improve the font, we've our solution.

If she denies, we'll then find another solution.

(Correction of the first sentence: "Here what I suggest we try first".).

So the font author has not been contacted? If not I could do it.

Oh nice :)

I were preparing you a mail with the relevant information in this objective.

rogerchrisman wrote:

The logo is approved and ready to go: please configure the Wikivoyage wikis with it as soon as possible. Unnecessary delay at this time is not helping us.

Lenka font delivers the graphic Wikivoyage community voted for (see [[m:Talk:Wikivoyage/Logo]]) and should be used till Wikivoyage community votes for something else, which might or might not happen later but cannot realistically be expected to happen before January 15, 2013 launch. We have a logo prepared and should have it online before January 15 public launch. Please do not hold up this process any longer on account of perceived potential future problems that can readily solved in the future.

We're ready to solve them:

(1) We can choose another font

(2) We can have a roadmap from Lenka about font improvement

This should not be a big deal. The font creator has said they will work on these additions for us. These improvements should not be to hard anyway. Legal is just finishing up a couple of things and says we should be good to go in a couple of days. So we have enough of a roadmap IMO to move forwards.

I guess the other solution is to launch with our current logo and not have a new logo for the launch on the 15th. I consider this to be a less desirable option. We will not figure out a different font in time and therefore (1) is not really an option.

James Heilman

rogerchrisman wrote:

I agree with James.


(1) We can choose another font

Not before the launch and not needed anyway. The font works.

(2) We can have a roadmap from Lenka about font improvement

Not needed right now. Trying to pressure her to commit to this free work is ill advised. She has already expressed interest. We should not pressure her. No commitment is needed. Wikivoyage community chose Lenka font as is, and it works as is.

We do not have a show stopping, block level, problem here. It is inappropriate to make this a block. Wikivoyage community has asked with this "bug" request that it go live with it.

@James, what is up with Legal? Do we need to wait for something more from them?

rogerchrisman wrote:

[ Italian Wikivoyage] is already using the new logo and Lenka word mark.

I am not 100% sure with respect to legal. Italian by the way looks awesome.

James Heilman

As far as I can tell there's rough consensus to move forward with the "Wikivoyage" wordmark in Lenka, with logo internationalization to be resolved incrementally, so as to enable launch on January 15 with the new logo.

Accordingly, I've submitted for review. Once it's been merged and deployed the logo change should be live on all Wikivoyage wikis.

The community has been presented the different options and indeed don't share the lack of current font i18n a blocker. There is no consensus to defer the logo deployment. According the calendar, and no real objection to the argument "The new logo is more acceptable than the temporary one", it makes indeed sense to deploy it.

[ -shellpolicy +shell / high priority ]

rogerchrisman wrote:


We should rather avoid using the plain logo image .svg for the favicon because it was not designed for display on a gray background and will look dull against the typical gray browser tab. I have vetted a better favicon, one with a white circle behind the logo image so that it will display well on a gray browser tab, to the community, and received only support for it, here:

The PNG file is:

I recommend convert it to a .ico with a graphics program such as Gimp, and using that for the favicon.ico. Sorry, I was unable to upload an .ico because .ico is not one of the allowed upload file types.

rogerchrisman wrote:

Here's the SVG of that FAVICON -- plain Wikivoyage logo with white circle background:

I generated a favicon w/imagemagick's convert tool.

I ran:

curl "" | convert - -alpha on -background none -scale 32x32 favicon.ico

To produce a 4.1k, 32x32 RGB w/alpha bitmap favicon, which I think is the best choice for the current browser landscape:

  • Won't work in IE 6.
  • Will look good on IE 7+, FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari.
  • Will look good as an app icon.
  • Will look good pinned to Windows dock.
  • Will look passable on retina displays.

We can and should supplement this icon by providing higher-resolution icons for modern browsers via <link rel> tags.

Uploaded as additional patch set on Gerrit change 42717.

Deployed. favicon and es logo look good, but the logo on en Wikivoyage looks a bit pinched. Is that intentional?

rogerchrisman wrote:


Regarding pinched: definitely a mistake, not intentional.

Please fix if you can, or tell us how we can fix it.

These are good:
es, nl, de, it

These are pinched (likely css problem, not problem with logo image itself):
en, fr, pt, sv, ru

Should be fixed now, was an issue with vector.css with a few wikis (may need to purge cache to see fixed version).

Bottom margin seems a bit high to me, could be tweaked in itself.