Request to add a keyboard shortcut that takes you from a Wikipedia article directly to the corresponding Wikidata item.
(from contact the dev team page)
Version: master
Severity: enhancement
Request to add a keyboard shortcut that takes you from a Wikipedia article directly to the corresponding Wikidata item.
(from contact the dev team page)
Version: master
Severity: enhancement
The shortcut should affect the "Edit links" button so the user can connect the page with an item if it isn't already.
As listed at the only available keys are 'g', 'j', and 'k'. Which key should be chosen?
Change 89698 had a related patch set uploaded by Bene:
(bug 46538) keyboard shortcut to get to Wikidata item
Change 89698 had a related patch set (by Bene) published:
(bug 46538) keyboard shortcut to get to Wikidata item
Change 89698 merged by Tobias Gritschacher:
(bug 46538) keyboard shortcut to get to Wikidata item