pywikibot/core has unit tests that are triggered by running "python test". If the script exits with a status code of 0, they all passed. Otherwise it's a failure.
A little bit of of setup needs to be done first:
A needs to be placed in ~/.pywikibot/ (I will upload an example one). ~/.pywikibot will need to be writable by the script since it will create temporary cache files.
Is there any way we can provide a password that will be used to test functions only available to a logged in user?
Since anyone can write code to run on any wiki, these should only be run for whitelisted users (for now this can be the pywikibot gerrit group) or when being merged.
Also, this should be non-voting for now since all of our tests aren't passing :/
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: enhancement
See Also: