In gerrit 70112, message 'notification-page-linked-email-subject' was changed from:
A page you started was linked on {{SITENAME}}
Your page was linked on {{SITENAME}}
I think there may be two things wrong with this change:
I. Where "A page you started" is pretty unambiguous "You page" may mean exactly that, or it can refer to one or more pages in a user's (talk) namespace, i.e. User:X or User_talk:X.
II. "Your page" may imply ownership, where "A page you started" (or created if wording needs to be improved), is more neutral.
Can someone please explain the rationale behind the change, because I think I may be missing it?
Nitpicking: This change appears to be unrelated to the topic of the change set, which was "Add HTML email support to Echo notification", and this change was not required for that.
Version: master
Severity: normal