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Consider updating 'notification-page-linked-email-subject' again
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In gerrit 70112, message 'notification-page-linked-email-subject' was changed from:

A page you started was linked on {{SITENAME}}


Your page was linked on {{SITENAME}}

I think there may be two things wrong with this change:

I. Where "A page you started" is pretty unambiguous "You page" may mean exactly that, or it can refer to one or more pages in a user's (talk) namespace, i.e. User:X or User_talk:X.
II. "Your page" may imply ownership, where "A page you started" (or created if wording needs to be improved), is more neutral.

Can someone please explain the rationale behind the change, because I think I may be missing it?

Nitpicking: This change appears to be unrelated to the topic of the change set, which was "Add HTML email support to Echo notification", and this change was not required for that.

Version: master
Severity: normal

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:43 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz51996.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

bsitu wrote:

(In reply to comment #0)

In Gerrit change #70112, message 'notification-page-linked-email-subject'
was changed

A page you started was linked on {{SITENAME}}


Your page was linked on {{SITENAME}}

I think there may be two things wrong with this change:

I. Where "A page you started" is pretty unambiguous "You page" may mean
that, or it can refer to one or more pages in a user's (talk) namespace, i.e.
User:X or User_talk:X.
II. "Your page" may imply ownership, where "A page you started" (or created
wording needs to be improved), is more neutral.

Can someone please explain the rationale behind the change, because I think I
may be missing it?

Nitpicking: This change appears to be unrelated to the topic of the change
which was "Add HTML email support to Echo notification", and this change was
not required for that.

The HTML email requires some action button, which is included in a google doc with a list of all the wording change, that's why I included other wording change in the same patch as well.

I think an email subject is just a brief summary of what the email is about. In this case, it's a page linking and that's enough information for the user. More detail is revealed by viewing the email.

I will CC Fabrice in this thread so he can give more explaination about this subject change.

EBernhardson added a project: good first task.
EBernhardson set Security to None.
EBernhardson subscribed.

someone please submit a patch.

Change 195584 had a related patch set uploaded (by 01tonythomas):
Update 'notification-page-linked-email-subject' message

Change 195584 merged by jenkins-bot:
Update 'notification-page-linked-email-subject' message

DannyH claimed this task.