Originally from: http://sourceforge.net/p/pywikipediabot/patches/326/
Reported by: sigmaoctantis
Created on: 2009-05-12 04:30:27
Subject: Re 1843798: Add capabiliy to remember pages to replace.py
Assigned to: nicdumz
Original description:
A new patch to implement toobaz's function with the changes suggested by wikipedian.
\- solve\_disambiguation.py and pagegenerators.py:
1\. Generator and logging function for -primary option moved
from solve\_disambiguation.py to pagegenerators.py
2\. TODO in solve\_disambiguation.py done:
generator now starts yielding before all referring pages have been found
3\. makes use of new TextfilePageGenerator
4\. code is a few lines shorter
\- replace.py:
5\. "-exclude" option from toobaz's patch implemented.
Allows to filter generator through a list of previously edited pages.
New pages are appended to the filter file based on choices made:
-exclude: logs to filter choice "N"
6\. additional command line options for other settings:
-editonce: logs to filter choices "Y", "A"
-treatonce: logs to filter choices "Y", "A", "N"
-scanonce: logs to filter choices "Y", "A", "N"; no change
7\. uses generator and file format from solve\_disambiguation.py
\(suggested by wikipedian below\)
8\. default filter filename is the name of the fix. Files are placed
in a subdirectory "replace".
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also: