Author: nickpj
Debian Woody r3.0 (a.k.a. "Brion's mortal enemy") running PHP 4.1.2 with
MediaWiki 1.5.0
Trying to modify MediaWiki to make it suitable for use for running my personal
To repo:
0) To LocalSettings.php add "$wgUseDatabaseMessages = false;", so as to allow
the UI to be customized.
- Edit languages/LanguageEn.php, and add this line:
$wgAllMessagesEn['mainpage'] = "Nick's Homepage";
- Login as Wikisysop.
- Move the "Main Page", to "Nick's Homepage".
Expected results:
The move succeeds.
Actual Results:
Gives this error:
Warning: Wrong datatype for first argument in call to array_key_exists in
/var/www/hosts/wiki-homepage/wiki/includes/Hooks.php on line 42
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/var/www/hosts/wiki-homepage/wiki/includes/Title.php on line 664
Should this work, or have I done something dumb? Also despite the error it seems
to have moved the page successfully, so setting the severity to "minor".
Version: 1.5.x
Severity: normal
OS: Windows 2000
Platform: PC