The script for sortable tables is broken if a date contains an abbreviated month, see the example (tested on de.wikipedia)
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! data-sort-type="date" | date1 !! data-sort-type="date" | date2
- | ||
1. Jan.2012 | 1. Jan. 2012 | |
- | ||
1. Apr.2011 | 1. Apr. 2011 | |
} | ||
The first column sorts randomly, only the second one is correct. I tracked this down to
< /^\s*(\d{1,2})[\,\.\-\/'\s]+(januar|januars|jan\.|februar|februars|feb\.|märz|märzes|mär\.|april|aprils|apr\.|mai|mais|mai|juni|junis|jun\.|juli|julis|jul\.|august|augusts|aug\.|september|septembers|sep\.|oktober|oktobers|okt\.|november|novembers|nov\.|dezember|dezembers|dez\.)[\,\.\-\/'\s]+(\d{2,4})\s*$/i
Note the \. after the abbreviations, which shouldn't be there (otherwise the expected separator to the year is missing).
is supposed to remove it, but it does so for the wrong month forms, namely for the genitives instead of the abbrevs.
Version: 1.22.0
Severity: normal