Author: mr.heat
Line break in German "All notifications"
The Echo overlay contains a footer with two links: "All notifications" and "Preferences". In German these links are a little bit longer: "Alle Benachrichtigungen" and "Einstellungen". Since the footer uses fixed pixel widths there is an unnecessary line break (see the screenshot).
The solution is very simple. Simply remove these two fixed widths and let the browser decide how to split the little table (it uses "display: table;" and therefor is a table) in the footer.
#mw-echo-overlay-footer {
width: 100%; /* add this */
#mw-echo-overlay-link {
width: 149px; /* remove this */
#mw-echo-overlay-pref-link {
width: 174px; /* remove this */
Version: master
Severity: minor