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Summary: Number of power users using enhanced recentchanges
Issue type: Task - A task that needs to be done.
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Assignee: (none)
From: Federico Leva <>
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 10:23:19
I'd like to know how many power users in all Wikipedias have "usenewrc" option set to true, and how many to false (or null/empty = default = false).
The definition of power user could be the same as in and has some queries that can probably be recycled.
I'm asking all Wikipedias and not all Wikimedia projects because the aim is assessing how many users on wikis using Wikidata would be affected by a change of the default combined with wikidata not working with enhanced RC.
(Assigned to me because otherwise I get "assignee: The default assignee does NOT have ASSIGNABLE permission OR Unassigned issues are turned off".)
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also: